Invisible Dream Kennels

Tag count; 452.
I am not going to kill your computer, so instead of posting all of them, I will post my favourites :D

*HUGS* TOTAL! give Evana more *HUGS*
Get hugs of your own

Art for me

Please see the bottom of this page for character references.

By Winter
By Ella
By Ella
By Ella (Group Pic)
By Rangerette
By Bleu
By Bleu
By Bejlin
By Secrea
By Le
By Stangwolf
By Romeo
By Swiftwhippet
By Boots
By Abbie
By Roksi10
By Wolfcub
By Chateau
By Kyah
By Youkou/Hinun
By Maze
By Fez and Me
By Me
By Me
By Me
By Me
By Me
By Me
By Me
By Me
By Me (old)
By Me (old)
By Me (old)
By Me (old)
By Me (old)

By WildWolfFanatic


You could gamble and then I'll eat the winnings to store them for later...

I love my Youkou < 33

Youkou/Bob. says (02:53):
May I fling torture at you quickly? D: Like a monkey with poo... but a Youkou with torture?
Youkou/Bob. says (03:13):
XDD <3 3333333333 33 3 3 3 3333
Youkou/Bob. says (03:13):
The hearts....
Youkou/Bob. says (03:13):
Youkou/Bob. says (03:14):
Youkou/Bob. says (03:14):
Youkou/Bob. says (03:14):
Sanna says (03:24):
Youcou is awesomely cute.
Youkou/Bob. says (03:25):
Like a squishable pinecone?

I love my Tsaark < 33

Nat || Tsaark says (20:59):
i was cleaning out my nail with another nail and looking down. and gravity made me drool from the concentration D:

i would just like to point out that i write kick me on people's backs in my spare time. so don't cross me. just sayin'.

I love Kah<3333

Kah säger:
and Evana, I'll yell at you any time you want me to! <33333
Evana säger:
AW ;___; That's so touching. <3 -hugs-
Kah säger:
-hugs back-
Kah säger:
Aww, if I had some sprees I'd shove them through the screen into your mouth
Ev säger:
I have to go job-hunting
Ev säger:
but i don't want to e_e
Ev säger:
pay me for being awesome plz?
Kah säger:
I pay you in undying affection?
Ev säger:
I am afraid that won't buy me stuff :C
Kah säger:
it can buy you love!
Kah säger:
exchange rate is 10,000,000 affection to 1.2 love

Kah says:
when people say "Kah Kah!" I get to think, "HAHA. You're a bird."
and it makes me happy

Kahlem made me this gorgeous tag xD Be jelous. [x]
AIM: Evvahkitten
MSN: Firends only; ask
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My IB Images
03-25-2008 - I am really bad at updating stuff xD Well today I updated all of the boxes on my layout, haha, that was really needed.

02-03-2007 - OMG FEZ! < 333 Look what she gave me! click! It is just too perfect! I love you Fezzle! Ajhsfjs.

01-28-2007 - Made a new layout. Ehm, well this one x] I will accept layout commissions soon, for those of you who are wondering. :P It will be a nice break from all of my art commissions who I am, honnestly, pretty tired of now. Major artblock. x_X
Anyway, I will go back to my school today. Tomorrow, we're going to take care of pigs. I do not have anything against pigs, and I guess it will be good training afterall, since I am eventually going to become a vet, but.. they smell. And I am allergic to dust e___e;

Uhm, yes, my commissions are always open, only for USD, however.
I might be able to accept rare items, but never cookies, acorns or tomb pieces.
My examples can be found at

For a tag, smooth or pixel, I charge $3-$5 USD.
A large image without background or with a gradient background goes for $5.
An advanced image with detailed fur texture goes for around $10 without background and $15 with background.
On all of these, extremely complicated characters or additional characters will cost more, around $3 each.

Uhm, hello there :D My name is Evana. Well not my real name, but it is my online nickname. I am 17 years old and from sweden. I turn 18 november 30th ^^
In real life, I have a horse named Rubi, a swedish warmblood, and we compete in dressage. I am not very active with my riding now though, since go to a school rather far away from home, and live there in an appartment with my boyfriend and my dog Thia. I study nature-science line. ;3 I will eventually become a vet, hopefully :D
I am an Fp addict, and if you want me anything, don't be afraid to message me. Not regarding mod issues or any kind of advertising though ;3

I do art, yes :3 More information about that can be found on this page ^^

I have one other account, my dog account #934. None of my dogs are up for sale or stud so please don't ask (: regarding account sales, this account and #934 will never be for sale (:
- Not started
- Sketched
- Lined
- Shaded
- Colored (done)

Delf trade -
Dragonfyre trade -
Wolfcub trade -
Roksi10 trade -
Falcon X trade -
Plushpuppy trade -
Oops image for TT -
Kujone trade -
Chateu trade -
Mirri trade -
Chloe trade -
Shadow commission 1-6;

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-My characters-
Click the icon for a bigger image.

-My fursona, my main character and my real life dog-
Nanishana has no icon or ref yet ):

Game Time

12:35am on Mar 17

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