Storm Swift Kennels


About Storm Swift Kennel

Here at Storm Swift I take great pride in raising Top Notch breeds to compete with.
All my dogs are shown in 50 shows per day. They wear proper leashes and collars according to their Stats and levels. They are bred to perfection. High levels and great genetics is my goal. They go hand in hand.

I raise 7 different breeds. Shih Tzu's, American White Shepherd's, Czech Wolf dog's, ,Alaskan Klee Kai's, Scottish Terrier's, King Charles Spaniel's, and West Highland Terrier's.

About Dazed

Hey! Welcome to my page. I'm Dazed. I live in Canada, Ontario. I've been playing FP since it was FP beta. I was 16 When I first started playing. Now I'm 36 Years old and still on and off addicted. Oh and I'm a happily married. lol

I am pretty friendly to talk to. I will answer questions if you have any about this game. The only thing I will not do is accept random friend requests. I need to know who you are before I friend you. :P

In real life I have a son named Greysen. He's 3 years old and I am also pregnant soon to have a baby girl named Amara. She is due in October 2022.


Right now I am aiming for 23-24 HH Shih Tzu's with all sorts of colors. I am also aiming for more masked Shih Tzu's. I want their stats to be aimed for Show. So INT, CHA and STR.


1. My males aren't up for Stud to the public at this time. I may make an exception however. My males go up for Stud normally around level 50+. Message me for more info.

2. My females are never up for open breeding requests. I breed them when I want and to whom I want them to be bred with. I'm sorry but this is how I roll.


I used to do Art but at the moment I have no time to make tags, manip's and layouts. If this changes I will update this topic.

Dog's For Sale

If any of my dogs are up for public sale this means anyone can buy them. If they are up for private sale, this means that I am narrowing down who can purchase them.

As for pricing. I usually price according to each dog. Some are better quality then others. Nothing in my kennel at the moment will be below 500k. So pricing is anywhere from $500k-$5000000 per dog.

Game Time

04:33am on Mar 1

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