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5-24-09: Welcome to Unknown Island Kennels - version Silken Breeze! Check back here for updates on art from Winter Soul Studios.

FAQ/Art Information

Are your collaborations open?
How about trades?
Will you do free art for me?
Will you buy my art/items/dogs/etc.?
What are your prices?
Do you have limited slots for commissions?
Okay, I’m ready to commission you! But how do I go about ordering one? And what’s the process?
Can you critique my art? Or can we just talk about art?

Are your collaborations open?

Most likely not, but if you’re really interested in doing a collab with me, please do mail me, just to double check! Even if I can not collab at the moment, I may want to mail you back later to see if you’re still interested :3

How about trades?

Once again, probably not, but mail me just in case.

Will you do free art for me?
Unfortunatly, no. Since art is my 9-5 full time job, I don’t have time to be working on random requests. The closest things to “free art” I will ever do are tag examples. On occasion I need people to help me sell tags by letting me use their characters as examples. You can find these posts in the Art Nook and under “Recent Updates.”

Will you buy my art/items/dogs/etc.?
Normally if I need to buy something, I'll find it on my own. Of course, it is hard to resist buying Silken Windhounds, so if you have Silken related art/dogs/etc., feel free to send a mail.

What are your prices?
These are the general prices; any of these prices can change depending on the sale. All prices are in USD through Paypal. On rare occasion I do FPP, but you’ll have to keep a close eye on sales to catch a FPP sale.

Premade tags: $5-$6 USD
Custom tags: $10-$15 USD
Icons (150x150): $10-15 USD
You can also buy the large art with any of these for a little extra money. For prices on larger art or other projects, please contact me. I’ll have to do an estimation on your project before we start. The prices will all depend on factors such as time, cost of materials, size, end use, and complexity.

Do you have limited slots for commissions?
Yes, but the amount of slots I have open vary from time to time. Generally I like to work on fewer projects at a time, this way each buyer gets exactly what they want because I’m not fretting over ten other projects. The best way to find out if a slot is open is to ask :)

Okay, I’m ready to commission you! But how do I go about ordering one? And what’s the process?
Small art (tags): Go to the sale for that tag, I’ll have instructions there.
Larger art and projects: Well, the first thing to do would be to message me. After that I’ll guide you through the process. But if you’re just curious, usually this is how it goes:

-You mail me, asking about a commission.
-I let you know if I have time, you can send me the description of the image you need. (For those with super awesome ideas that you want to keep safe, I am willing to sign an NDA).
-Unless I have more questions to get a better idea of what you want, I’ll give you an estimation/terms and conditions form. Look over it, make sure the project description is correct and make sure that the price looks fair to you. (Please, make sure you have that amount of money when you sign the form). Also, look over the terms and conditions, making sure you understand those.
-And now, the fun part! I’ll send you the first sketches soon after you sign the forms. Usually, it’s 4-10 of my favorite thumbnails, you choose your favorite and tell me how you want me to continue with it.
-From here, most of the process is going back and fourth, making sure the project is turning out how we want it.
-Finally, we make the exchange of artwork and payment, yay!


Can you critique my art? Or can we just talk about art?
Of course! I love talking about art and illustration with anyone, so if you want to chat or have a question, mail me at any time ^_^

Have a question not yet answered? Send a message with your question, and I’ll answer it the best I can!

Layout design, images, and characters © 2009 Crystal Carpenter (a.k.a. Winter #146033). Any tags and images here created by other artists are also copyrighted, please do not use without permission.
The font ‘Requiem’ was created by Christopher Hansen and can be found at

Game Time

07:15pm on Feb 18

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