UknI Breeding

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Quality Breeder Association
Furry Paws Silken Windhound Society
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Unknown Island Kennels, run by Winter (#146033)

Specialty:Silken Windhounds
Secondary Breeds:Saluki, APBT
Kennel Prefix:UKnI
Min Breeding Level:level 15; prefer level 20
Unknown Island's Current Top Dogs:
?? •UKnI Harvest Moon
?? •UKnI Chill Wind

Latest Kennel Updates

5-24-09: Welcome to Unknown Island Kennels - version Silken Breeze! Right now Winter is taking a break from the game, but feel free to take a look at her art!


FAQ/Kennel Policies

What are your breeding requirements?
What are your buying requirements?
I have a Silken that needs a home; will you take him/her?
Will you buy my art/items/dogs/etc.?
Will you sponsor me?

What are your breeding requirements?

If you’d like to breed to one of my dogs, there are just a few rules I like to go by to keep the standard of the breed up and because I'd rather see one of my dogs helping a player who wants to challenge themselves in the game.

1) First of all, both dogs –must- be at least level 15, preferably higher (20,25). I won’t even put my dogs up for stud until they’re at least level 20, sometimes closer to level 25.
That said, if your dog is at least level 15, next I’ll be checking your kennel for the following things:
2) All your dogs are vaccinated.
3) All your dogs are fed, groomed, watered, full happiness, and entered in the max shows each day.
4) No breeding under level 10 (and especially no level 1 breeding) going on.
5) In general a quality kennel is being kept. If you are a newer breeder that I’ve never worked with, chances are this check will be thorough.

Some other things to keep in mind:
-Please avoid around and selling off the pups for profit. This kennel is for breeding top quality lines, not for breeding profit. If, however, you simply want to get the best quality pup to give to another top quality breeder, then mail me and we can negotiate.
- If you have any issues taking care of the pup, and need to find a good home, before selling it cheap or abandoning it, take a look at the Silken Cassos that I’m in. There are plenty of good breeders that might want it. Please mail me, too, I’m almost always willing to take in unwanted pups.

Females: Females will not be put up for stud unless I have absolutely no plans for breeding her. If you have a male you’d like to breed to one of my females, please message me to negotiate.

What are your buying requirements?

All above rules apply to puppies.
Keep an eye on all my litters, a lot of times I’ll have extra puppies for reserve. If you ever see a pup that you want, don’t be afraid to mail me. The price is generally 1000xthe highest stat, but if I know you’re an awesome breeder or see that you’re also working hard to become a quality breeder, I’ll let you pick your own price.

I have a Silken that needs a home; will you take him/her?
Considering I can’t resist Silken Windhounds, most likely yes! XD!
But please do mail me first. I’d like to try to keep the number of dogs here 30 or under, mostly for time constraints. Also, if you’re a breeder that’s leaving FP for one reason or another, and just want your lines to continue, I’m more than happy to try and help continue the lines for you.

Will you buy my art/items/dogs/etc.?
If I see something that I –really- need/want, then I will buy it without you mailing me.
Dogs wise… I only take in Silkens by request, *see above question. If you have a bunch of dogs that need to be retired, but you don’t want them retired at your kennel for one reason or another, please mail me! I’m always up for taking in older dogs and giving them a good retirement.

Will you sponsor me?
As much as I'd like to help, I've honestly just been lucky to get my account elited each year. Plus, with school and work, I don't really have time to help individuals with fundraising for an elite, and I hate making empty promices. This is going to sound selfish, but without a secure future for my own account, I probably won't be sponsoring anytime soon since it wouldn't be fair to either of us. x_X

Have a question not yet answered? Send a message with your question, and I’ll answer it the best I can!

Layout design, images, and characters © 2009 Crystal Carpenter (a.k.a. Winter #146033). Any tags and images here created by other artists are also copyrighted, please do not use without permission.
The font ‘Requiem’ was created by Christopher Hansen and can be found at

Game Time

12:59am on Mar 11

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