Celestial Trails Kennel



About the Shelter

hello, and welcome to celestial trails rescue shelter (ctrs)! here at ctrs, we are devoted into reducing the amount of unwanted and neglected dogs on furry-paws and giving them an opportunity to find a forever, loving home where their true potential will be exhibited.<33 i've been in the rescuing profession on fp for five years now and i have loved every minute of it. c:

ctrs will take in any dog, no matter what. all of our dogs are fully equipped, given the appropriate accessories and food and trained in one sport according to their statistics and shown daily. all our dogs are eligible to be rehomed at level 5 only. we also have a section for our permanent residents; dogs over the age of 70 fp days are eligible for this section. our permanent residents are treated just the same as our normal rescues, except that they will not be rehomed and they will be retired at ctrs. however, if you're interested in adopting a permanent resident, then please feel free to message me. we may be willing to make exceptions for kennels which meet our adoption standards.
if you're interested in adopting one of our wonderful rescues, you probably want to know some details about the adoption process. first of all, it would be best if you could read about our 'adoption requirements' section, which is just a little further down the page. if you think that your kennel meets these standards, then feel free to place a bid on your desired rescue! it should also be noted that all of our rescues are sold through private sale, and are completely free. We believe that there is no charge for rehoming a rescue dog, and our rescues are free and most likely always will be. ^_^ our dogs also come fully equipped, trained and have their shows for the day complete.
once you've placed a bid on the rescue, i will do a quick kennel check to make sure that your kennel does, in fact, meet our adoption requirements. all this kennel check entails is checking up on the standard of your dogs [to see if they're all equipped well, etc] and checking your history [to make sure you do not advocate level 1 breeding and that you do not retire your dogs too early]. if your kennel passes this kennel check, then i'll accept your bid and the dog is yours.<33 if not, then i'll message you and give you an opportunity to change the standards of your kennel. i'll hold the rescue dog for a maximum of two days, to give you a chance to rectify your standards. it should also be noted that our shelter works on a first come, first serve basis.
if you are interested in a dog which is not yet up for adoption, then you could message me to enquire about being added to our reservation list, thus reserving the rescue. all this means is that when the dog is available to adopt, we will notify you and reserve him for you [unless of course you're no longer interested]. we also have a separate reservation list in which you can ask to be notified if a specific breed becomes available in the shelter. this is particularly useful for breeders who might want dogs of a particular breed to add to their lineages.
as well as our other options, we also have a re-adopting service. if for some reason you are no longer able to take care of your dog, then we will happily take him back, saving you the further expense of waiting for someone to purchase him. your dog will then be re-adopted as normal. we also offer this service for any other dog which you may not want any more. please message me for further details about this service, or if you have any dogs which you wish to surrender here.

About Me


Hello, I'm Wolfclaw, and I have been a member of Furry Paws since the summer of 2008. I have taken a few hiatuses since the merge so I am not too familiar with the new site, but some of you may remember me from FP Beta =) I have always been involved in the rescuing profession on Furry Paws, I have often tried my hand at dog breeding and showing but I never obtained the same satisfaction that I did when I rescued dogs.
I am quite a friendly person so feel free to send me a message if you would like someone to talk to or if you require any help with various aspects of the game. I have a passion for animals and the natural world, and I aspire to enter a profession helping animals someday- perhaps as a vet or a conservation worker. The knowledge that I will hopefully do something in my life to aid and conserve vulnerable lives is enough for me c: I also love writing stories and poetry, and I would like to become a published author someday. Playing guitar and drawing are two other hobbies of mine c: i have three gorgeous pets who are my world: my beautiful white rabbit named snuggles and my two little devils of russian dwarf hamsters, puffle and scrat. c;

Adoption Requirements

here are our adoption requirements. it is recommended that you read through these before placing a bid on any of our rescues. c; if your kennel doesn't meet the standards listed here, then it will prolong the adoption process or deny you of adopting the dog.

1. all your dogs must be equipped to a decent standard [i.e with a food+water bowl, a collar, a lead, appropriate food and toys and a bed].

2. you must not advocate or be involved in level 1 breeding. we do not endorse this because level 1 breeding produces puppies of low breeding/competing quality; usually it are these puppies which are abandoned later on. level 1 breeding commonly produces puppies of low genetic quality, too.

3. your dogs must be fully cared for daily. we understand that you have a life outside of fp, so we have become a little more lenient on this rule [ie. if you only have a few dogs left uncared for you're still eligible to adopt]. however, if you have a generally inadequate kennel, then we will prolong the adoption process to give you a chance to improve your kennel and keep it up. c;

4. your dogs must also be up-to-date on their vaccinations.

5. you must not retire your dogs early. this is to ensure that you will not retire the dog soon after you get it. c;

How Can You Help?

there are several ways in which you could help ctrs, and any amount of help would be greatly appreciated.<33 please message me if you're interested in helping out the shelter and we can negotiate/discuss it further. ouo

ctrs is always in desperate need of basic care supplies to keep the shelter up and running. any donation, no matter how big or small, is essential and very much appreciated.<33 here is a list of items we use most regularly:
chews [in fact, this is probably the most important item- our dogs use chews almost as quickly as we can purchase them in, so any donation with any type of chew is very much appreciated.<33]
collars and leads
grooming supplies
food & water bowls

Dogs Up For Adoption

If you would like to give one of our wonderful rescues the home they deserve, there's sure to be a dog suitable for you. Here's the dogs we currently have up for adoption:

*All of our dogs are free to good homes!*

Tara, Female Border Collie, level 9
Emma, Female Dogo Argentino, level 9
Oliver, Male Miniature Bull Terrier, level 9
Azelyn, Female Stabyhoun, level 16
Buddy, Male American White Shepherd Dog, level 7
Fudge, Male Pug, level 18
Max, Male West Siberian Laika, level 8
Raini, Female West Siberian Laika, level 5

Game Time

08:05am on Mar 3

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