Star Light Rescue

Hey... Welcome to Star Light Rescue. I'm sorry I haven't been on more, but I'm going through a tough spot in life at the moment and have limited computer access, so if my dogs are not cared for for a couple of days I'm sorry. please don't message me telling me to take care of them. <3 Angel
DISCLAIMER: I do not own any of these here photo's I got them off of google images

Alright I bet you want to know a little about Star Light Rescue. Star Light Rescue was started when I found a bunch of dobermans who were up for sale and looked like their care was forgotten about. After I bought them I decided to become a rescue for all dogs in that same situation, but I also breed dogs (the only dogs I breed are my own that I raised from the shop or adopted dogs that I plan on keeping and showing). All dogs that are up for adoption will be spayed/neutered, and up to date on all shots. I have a few specifications on who buys my dogs:

1) All dogs in your kennel must be cared for daily
2) All your dogs must be shown at least twice a week
3) Your dogs must have everything checked (even genetics)
4) Please give them a good name
If you see a dog that you would like and is not up for adoption message me and we may be able to work something out, but if the dog is level 7 or over I will ask at least 10,000 for it any other price is negotiable. Thank your for your cooperation!

Alright here's a little about me!

Name: Angel's Lost Flame
Real name: Tika
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Sexuality: Who cares
Location: Wisconsin land of cheese
Pets: Mitts-A Tuxedo Kitten
Likes: Puzzles, animals, cookies, lime flavored stuff, music, 13(the number), anime!(mainly Bleach), drawing, purple
Dislikes:Math, Rude people, pink(not the biggest fan), Grape flavored popsicles
Fave food(s):Jellybeans, pizza, nachos, & shrimp(not at the same time)
Fave Music: Techno
Other places to find me:My Yearbook, Myspace, Deviant Art

Well thank you for visiting my page! I will update it with more information at a later date :D!! <3 Angel

OH YEAH!!! I have these that need clicks to grow! could you please click them? siggy.php?id=3356415 siggy.php?id=3356416 siggy.php?id=3356417 siggy.php?id=3356419 siggy.php?id=3356420 siggy.php?id=3356421
could you hatch these for me too? Adopt your own at http://www.virtuadopt.comAdopt your own at

Game Time

10:19pm on Feb 19

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