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About Kennel Oppinor

I have been playing FP since March 2006.
Some of my specialties have been: smooth collies, english foxhounds (co owned with Twist).
And in addition to those I have been breeding smooth foxterriers all of the time. Sadly I lost my old lines in 2009, so I had to start all over Really Sad
I have recently started breeding jack russell terriers to.

Buying from Oppinor:

I only sell to established showing kennels, and kennels not breeding at low levels.
If you get tired of your Opp-dog, I will gladly buy it back at a reasonable price.
About Iris

I'm 35 years old, and live in Norway. In the northern of Norway, in a place called Honningsv�g ( URL to google-maps )
I have 3 dogs. Pelle, a 5 years old smooth foxterrier. Wilma, a 3 years old parson russell terrier . And Lillebror, a 6 months old jack russell terrier.
IRL I train obedience, tracking and agility with my dogs. And in addition Wilma and Lillebror are showdogs.

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Game Time

05:18am on Feb 24

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