Wind Dancing Kennels

No I won't 'donate' money, FPP, or dogs to you. I worked HARD to get what I have. If you're too lazy to do the same that's your problem, not mine. Throwing a fit because I won't give you free stuff won't work. I WILL block you from sending me further messages.

If I don't respond to your message it might be because it was so full of chatspeak and/or spelling that is so bad I couldn't figure out what you were trying to say. PLEASE make an effort to spell out your words and with your spelling or I won't bother to try and figure out what you wanted.

You are more than welcome to message me to get to know me, but there are a few things to keep in mind. I'm an ADULT player. I'm likely twice the age of most of the younger players. (I graduated high school the same year as the title of Taylor Swifts latest album 1989) I'm not into hunger games or divergent. I've read the first book of both series, but they weren't my thing. They weren't bad they just weren't my type of book. I'm more into knitting and counted cross stitch. Favorite music: 1980s and country. Authors: Jeffrey Deaver, Jim Butcher, Lincoln and Child, Terry Pratchett, Robert Jordan, Stephen King, Dean Koontz, and Anne Rice. I've also had a short story published. I may sound a bit grumpy on my page, but I promise I'm really a nice person to people who are polite to me. I don't go out of my way to be mean or rude, I TRY to be helpful, and I don't take myself too seriously!

I do NOT accept random friend requests. That doesn't make me a bad person. If we've never even spoken before we aren't friends. I don't even know if I LIKE you let alone want you for a friend if we've never said a single word to each other.

If I don't respond to your mail right away please be patient. When I get in "showing" mode I tend to put off answering messages until I get 5 or 6 dogs groomed, fed, entered in shows, etc.

To the players who have felt it necessary to be rude to me when I refuse their level 1 dogs for breeding, do you REALLY think that is the best way to get what you want? Level 20 isn't THAT hard to achieve, even if you aren't an elite. If you can't be bothered to train to that level, and are going to yell at me for having standards for breeding you don't deserve pups from my dogs.

I love hearing from players who are into the same breeds I am on here, and I'm willing to give tips that have helped me succeed. You do NOT have to be an elite player for me to talk to you. Non elite players can be very successful, and I've seen quite a few with wonderful quality dogs.

If you are interested in a pair of pups from my dogs I AM willing to breed a pair for you if you don't want to wait until they turn 88 days. I breed at 88 days, and offer the pick of the litter and the second pick of litter for any who are interested. I charge $5,000 for a pup, but that IS negotiable if you ask politely, and are making an effort to care for, show, and improve your current dogs. If you don't want to wait until the 88 day litters I AM willing to breed a pair of my dogs for you if you ask politely. All I ask is that the pair are both level 20 or higher and NOT related.

I am an ADULT player who despises Twilight because it's boring. I also hate chatspeak. I love reading horror novels and epic fantasy like Game of Thrones or The Wheel of Time Series. I also enjoy lighter reading such as Terry Pratchett's Discworld Books or Jim Butcher's Dresden Files books.

The ONLY way I make deals on my sale dogs is if you meet the following requirements: your dogs are ALL shown in 30+ shows a day if they are old enough, they are ALL well cared for as in happy and fed and groomed, you wait until at least level 5 to breed.

No I won't 'donate' money, FPP, or dogs to you. I worked HARD to get what I have. If you're too lazy to do the same that's your problem, not mine.

No I won't sell my dogs to you cheaper UNLESS every single one of your dogs is 100% happy, vaccinated, fully tested for genetics, shown in 30+ shows most days of the week if old enough, not bred at level 1, etc. If I can do all that with having a job, a life, etc you should be able to as well.

No I don't want to buy YOUR dogs unless you have a very good quality Doberman (blue or mouse grey and tan preferred), hovawart, or curly coated retriever puppy...and we're talking parents that are at LEAST level 10. I will pay $1,000 times their highest stat.

The minimum level for breeding to my dogs is level 20, and I will NOT put them up for breeding until they reach that level. The ONLY exception I will make to this rule is a level 19 female that is close to her 100th day. If you want to use MY females for breeding I prefer males be at least CLOSE to her level. I work hard on my dogs I'm not going to waste them on level 1 dogs.

winddancing's Dragons



Game Time

08:57pm on Feb 22

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