~*Emerald Illusions*~

caring for a family member that has a severe illness so I might be gone for extended amounts of time. I will do my best to get messages and requests answered though.
Okay, so I've been gone from FP for a long time. I work for more then 40 hours a week, so be patient with me. I am in the process of re-organizing my kennel. Due to having been gone from Fpaw for such an extended time. I have retired a lot of my store bought dogs that were not selling and I no longer wanted so that I could clear up space and really focus on certain breeds.

I am currently working on a breeding project that my normal standards and rules don't apply to. I will not be selling these dogs until their stats and genes are decent. All other breeds except Greenland Dogs apply to my normal breeding rules.

I have reached my goal of having a dog get to lvl 70 now I am focusing on getting to lvl 80.

First Dog To Level 80:Amazon Princess

First To Level 85:Lumen Histoire

First to Level 90:History Of Light

Breeding Rules

-Personal Breeding is done at a minimum of level of 50+ (sometimes I will allow exceptions for certain people if we had an arrangement. Dogs from my beta lines or rescues might be bred a little lower. GSDs are never bred under lvl 60 due to agreements with their breeders)

- Females will not be bred more than 2 times.
- Before I accept a request for breeding, I will do a kennel check( all dogs must be fully cared for and shown)
- Please feel free to message me with any questions.
- I will not accept a breeding request to a dog below level 10.

Buying Rules

- All of your dogs must be fully cared for.
- I will only sell to SHOWING homes.
- You must not breed below level 10.
- Before accepting a bid I will do a kennel check.
- If I see a litter below level 10 in your kennel I will not sell the dog.

Game Time

04:25pm on Mar 3

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