Hope Valley Kennels

All studs on offer at $10,000 FPD

Working on Briards, Bullmastiffs, Belgian Laekenois and Carpathian Shepherds right now, my IWS are all locked with breeding project on the back burner, I may give them up altogether soon. Looking for a nice layout but haven't got around to getting one made and haven't coded myself for around 5 years so forgotten everything, also looking for a custom tag, willing to pay a decent amount for one.....

Current Goals
All 1st Generation dogs to level 40
All 1st Gen dogs to NC
All 2nd gen dogs to level 50
All 2nd gen dogs to WC
All 3rd gen dogs to level 60

My theme for this kennel has been Queen songs so all older dogs have be named after a song title or lyrics of theirs, I was running out of names to use so have split each breeds theme for all younger dogs. Bullmastiff - Queen, Belgian Laekenois - The Who, Briard - Elvis and Carpathian Shepherd - Elton John.

I may do a few test breedings on lower level/youngish dogs to start out but I will not allow others to breed to mine unless they meet my breeding requirements. I never allow breedings to my females unless I am working alongside another breeder for a while and it is pre-arranged what dam and stud will be used.
For the first few generations my males will go up for stud at level 30 but this will later be upped to level 50 and eventually level 100 as my dogs get better through the generations.
Breeding requests will not be accepted if the female is more than 5 levels lower than my stud or if the breeding is likely to produce a litter with poors unless there is a chance for a rare colour.
I may refuse a breeding request for any other reason if I'm not happy to go ahead with it. Constant messages begging me to change my mind will get the other player a place on my blocked list.

Stud fees will vary from dog to dog. A level 30 dog will start at $10,000. $1000 will be added for every level over 30. $500 added for every HH, $500 deducted for every hh. A 24 HH dog will have a $2000 fee added on. $1000 added for lala gene. A rare or unusual colour will have $1000-$5000 added depending on colour.

Game Time

07:41am on Mar 30

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