Heart Breaker


Photo shot by myself of my dog Pinkie

I have Shiba Inu in this kennel. It's a breed that I and my family raised, showed and bred. One of our dogs actually made it to Westminster, but didn't place. Oh well. I will also have Rough Collies, since we used to own those breeds, too. I also have Saarsloos Wolfhounds, just because I like them. I am sure I will add other breeds over time.


I am female, widowed and over 55. I live in Washington state along the Snake River. I work at a vet clinic taking care of the dogs and cats.

I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I love the Lord and hope that everyone can feel His love for them.

I have six kids who are all adults. My oldest daughteralso plays FP. She lives in Texas, with her husband.

My family and I raised and showed Alaskan Malamutes and later Shiba Inu.

I enjoy talking to people of all ages, and have friends aged 13 to 82.


I know my hobbies don't seem like something that a 60+ yr old woman would like or do, but I am a firm believer in never acting one's age.

I enjoy anime, especially Inuyasha, Kimi ni Todoke, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Toradora, Lovely Complex and Boku X Inu SS. I have watched hundreds of different anime, and I find that I prefer romantic comedies. I will also watch Shojou or serious drama, if the plot is good.

I like playing Howrse --> http://us.howrse.com/?parrain=chriswolff56 I also enjoy reading manga, currently, I am reading Kimi ni Todoke, Kaichou wa Maid-Sama, Skip Beat, Gakuen Alice and Goong.

I like to make amvs of anime that I like or have watched. I put them on youtube, mostly to convince my kids that I am a nerd.

I like to play dog and cat show games online. Other than Furry-Paws, I also play showdog.com and showcats.com.

Chris and Duncan
Chris and Duncan

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My daughter did this for me!

Game Time

04:14am on Mar 1

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