Driftwood Kennels

About Driftwood

Welcome to Driftwood Kennels! I'll be restarting my lines (again. xP) with several Japanese Working-Group breeds, namely the Hokkaido [Ainu Dog], Shikoku, and Kai-tora [Kai Ken]. It'll be pretty different since I've mostly done hounds in the past, but I hope to have quality lines soon. n_n

About Me:

Name: Duskaiya, or Dusk, to most everyone. :]
Age: Anything but my real one. ;P
Location: Touristtown, Ar-Kansas.
Gender: The divine female.
Hobbies: Drawing, eating, writing, reading, eating. :P
Okay, I admit I obsess over: Music, food, Spongebob Squarepants, boys with curly hair, hedgehogs, manga (Zomg yesss), and silly putty.
Friends: You know who you are. C:

Need to talk? Here is some info..

E-mail: duskaiya@gmail.com
DA Account: [Coming soon!]


August 19th, 2008
IF I OWE YOU SOMETHING, PLEASE MESSAGE ME. I will not be online unless I find the time and am able to get on for a few precious moments. I will try to do the commission owed to Andrasmina, but Rocy has yet to pay and fill out a form. Please, I will not remind you unless you have already paid for the commission unless you have already paid or sent a form an I have told you to wait to pay, seeing as there is really not much benefit to me. Thank you.


Commishions: ...Slightly Open.
Collabs (lining): Open.
Collabs (colouring): Closed.
Please note that I am very busy and may not be able to collab/do art for you.

Current Collabs/Sales:
"Sittin' Feys. {Like Minez. :ooo} --->", by me, closing unknown.

Current Collab Posts:

Commission Prices:

Fullbody fullcoloured tags:
7FPP, 3.5 mil FPD.
Ex. 1

Headshot fullcoloured tags:
5FPP, 2.5 mil FPD.
Ex. 1, ex. 2

Fullbody lineart:
6FPP, 3 mil FPD.
Ex. 1, ex. 2, ex. 3

Headshot lineart:
4FPP, 2 mil FPD.
Ex. 1

Simple reference sheets:
10FPP, 5 mil FPD.
Ex. 1

Complex reference sheets:
15FPP, 7.5 mil FPD.
[Example coming soon!]

Anthro/human tags:
7FPP, 3.5 mil FPD.
Ex. 1,
ex. 2

Large images 150px X 150px and +:
10-20FPP, 5-10 mil FPD. [Price depends on difficulty/number of characters]
[Example coming soon!]

All tags and images property of their respectful owners ONLY.

All digital art done using the Microsoft Paint program. All traditional art done using a 0.7mm lead mechanical pencil, white printing paper, and a Pink Pearl eraser. I've never used Photoshop except maybe once, and I hated it. ;)

If you steal from me, violate my rules, cause uneccessary confusion, start a flame war on any of my posts, etc., you can expect your name and number to go on my "List". Forever.

Breeding Info

I will not SEF your dogs. Sorry. :)

- I prefer to breed inside my own kennel, so don't expect any of my dogs to be up for stud. Of course, there's the occasional exception, but don't hold your breath.
- If there IS a dog of ours up for stud, there are several requirements you have to meet: Your dogs must be properly cared for, groomed, watered, fed, happy, and shown at least 15 times per day. Your dog must be at least level 15+.
- Females will not be for lease or stud. Once again, few males will be for stud, and none for lease.
- Any puppies that I feel are improperly cared for will be returned to me. I also have a right to one puppy from the litter, whose price will be chosen by you (just don't get unreasonable). ;)

Failure to meet these requirements/conditions will result in a permanent space on my List. :)

- All dogs in your kennel must be properly cared for, i.e. groomed, watered, fed, happy, and shown daily.
- I will monitor your kennel for as long as i see fit before selling to you to ensure that I can trust you.
- If you are unable to care for the dog(s) under any circumstances, the dog(s) will be returned to my kennel.

Once again, failure to meet these requirements/conditions will land you out of my good graces. No exceptions.

Dogs For Sale

None at the moment. ;)


~ Remember to do the art stuffs for those art-stuffs-wanting-people so as to ensure existence will be continued.
~ Remember those other things that need to be remembered.


My Fursona-


My Characters-



Fursona Tags: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Character Tags: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Random Tags: Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Game Time

12:08pm on Mar 29

Welcome Guest

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