Armeshire Run

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Welcome to Armeshire Run

Raising Quality Setters Since 2010

Armeshire Run is dedicated to raising the highest quality English, Irish, and Gordon Setters in the game. You will also find a line of Bloodhounds, and various other breeds that catch my interest. I am currently working toward a 24HH line of each breed from Gen 1. This may take awhile, as my real life continues to be hectic! I am on FP now more than I have been available in the past, but this may change as my human family continues to grow. If you ever message me and it takes awhile for me to reply, please don't worry! I have been on FP for years, and no matter how busy my life gets, I will be back.

Planned Breedings

English Setters

Baba O'Riley x Vinni Florentine
Mansard Roof x Rikka Makthe
Freckle Monster x Stasa Kewes

Date TBD
Ginseng Elephant x Lemon Drop
Kelly Green x Sugar Library
Hate Station x Linen Hen
Sleet Street x Milk Parcel

Irish Setters

Maksi McQueen x Verena Milania

Gordon Setters

Apollo of the Drums x Skylark




Calemontoul - Best of Breed x3, Gordon Setter

Our Mascot

This is my dog, Waffles. She was adopted in November of 2018. She is a purebred (and likely inbred) Boxer from a backyard breeder. She and her siblings were rescued by a neighbor, who was told by the breeder that if she did not take them, they would be drowned, because white coloration is not a part of the breed standard. She was the runt, and remains much smaller than her siblings. Despite her coloring, she is not deaf. She is, however, very derpy, very sweet, and a very, very good girl. Her tongue always hangs out of her mouth. She can usually be found cuddling with the cat.


My Tags

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Layout Design and Coding by Crestie.
This is a freebie layout! Get the code for it here! for your kennel!

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Game Time

03:50pm on Mar 30

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