Hyrr Verja Fjandmadr

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About Me

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Hi there! My name is Dancing Flames, but I also go by Ahryse on various games, and my old handle is Vidiea. I've always been DF on FP though. I've been playing FP since 2004.

A bit about me: I am 27 years old, married, and own three black cats. I live in the beautiful Pacific Northwest in Washington State. By day, I work as a digital marketer and by night, I game the night away. I love all games, be they pen and paper, tabletop, or video games. Feel free to message me if you'd like to talk! I don't accept random friend requests, but if we've talked a couple times, I'll accept the request. :)

I host annual themed team breed boosts on the contest board.
2016: Pirates vs Ninjas
2017: Star Wars vs Star Trek
2018: Harry Potter vs Lord of the Rings
2019: Game of Thrones

About the Kennel

Hyrr Verja Fjandmadr specializes in the Breeds in Need (BIN). All of my specializations were BIN at one time or the other. I further narrow this down by dogs who are currently used for or have a history of being used for search and rescue, bomb detection, police work, and guard or watch dogs.

My main breeds are Ainu Dog, Curly Coated and Flat Coated Retriever, Canaan Dog, Pharaoh Hound, Azawakh Hound, Chinook, Finnish Spitz, Taiwan Dog, Bouvier des Flandres, Chinese Shar-pei, Welsh Terrier, Scottish Terrier, and Large Munsterlander.

I am constantly on the lookout for fresh blood to add to my lines, whether they're store bought or from someone else's lines. So, if you have an achievement litter in one of my specializations or a dog you want to sell, let me know! I'll likely place a bid.

Please note, the art on my Curly Coated Retrievers, Chinese Shar-Peis, Carolina Dogs, and Taiwan Dogs are not from the FP Image Bank and not for any use aside from my own. I commissioned them specifically for my kennel, therefore only I can use them. Check out Baby Rat #1324789, Fox #952274 and Evlon #458964 to commission some breed art of your own!


I'm pretty open with my breeding policies. All males go up for breeding at level 30 and all females go up for breeding at level 50, if they have no fairs, at least one la breeding gene and one excellent. Male breeding price starts at 5k and goes up by 5k every 10 levels, until level 80. At level 80 and beyond, their breeding price goes up by 10k every 10 levels.

Female breeding price is dependent on their genes. Minimum starting price is 150k but can be up to 500k or more. Their price normally increases 50k every 10 levels and 100k every 10 levels for higher quality genes. Once their first breeding is gone or they reach age 98, I will take them off public breeding. I may still be willing to share their second breeding if I can also keep a pup. Please just ask. :)

I do not accept multiple requests for my females from the same male. If multiple requests are made, I will accept one and reject the others. I want to make sure my females are available for other players if they need it.


I don't sell very often. If I choose not to keep a breeding / showing project, they'll usually go up for $0. I don't really care what you bid, as long as you're a showing kennel. I do kennel checks and do not sell to rescues. I usually won't sell to new players either.

I don't believe in bid for bid achievement litters. I want players to purchase dogs from my litters because they want them, not for the achievement. If you have an achievement litter matching one of my specializations, I will happily place a bid. However, I don't expect you to do the same for me.
Dock Dog Header
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.
Field Trial Header
Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.
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Header Type One

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.

Header Type Two

Curabitur ut lobortis magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquam auctor facilisis. Etiam eu ante in nibh porttitor sagittis. Vivamus sit amet purus magna. Aliquam sagittis auctor elit, vel posuere ligula lacinia eu. In suscipit nisl pulvinar leo dignissim, eu aliquam quam rutrum.

Header Type Three

Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.
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Header Type One

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.

Header Type Two

Curabitur ut lobortis magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquam auctor facilisis. Etiam eu ante in nibh porttitor sagittis. Vivamus sit amet purus magna. Aliquam sagittis auctor elit, vel posuere ligula lacinia eu. In suscipit nisl pulvinar leo dignissim, eu aliquam quam rutrum.

Header Type Three

Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.
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Upcoming Breedings

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Sussex Spaniel:
Bentley x Palm Tree
Bentley x Dairine
Azawakh Hound
My Spirit x Darn It All To Heck
I Just Need to know why x gretel
Dark Chocolate x No more lies
you always have an excuse x princesses love glitter
microburst x gosh all mighty
morning dew x my faith
cumulus cloud x life got you down
wicked gossip x survived darwin's theory
creme fraiche x legendary stunt woman
bath lotion x mood blends
on the brink x jelly filling
on your knees x bioluminescence
don't you dare x essential oils
venezuela dreaming x rice floating on the wind
tailoring x spring flowers
red carpet premiere x princess in distress
creme fraiche x only the best carpet
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREDITS - DO NOT EDIT:
layout by Tamra (#1318780) -- banner art by Arachnid (#215729)

Game Time

02:46am on Mar 27

Welcome Guest

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