Lucky Seven Kennels

I specialize in Border Collies, Briards, and Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeens. I also keep a few Australian Shepherds for sentimental reasons. Our minimum breeding level requirement is Level 20. I do have some litters that are bred strictly for genetics, these litters and their offspring will NEVER be available to the public. Almost all dogs seen on this page, I have shown to that level (with the exception of some of our Border Collies, but very few). If the dog has a prefix of L7K, then I bred it and did its showing from 12 FP Days on. I do take pride in some of the fantastic dogs and lines I have represented here in this kennel. If you are interested in any of our future pairings or upcoming litters, please feel free to message me. Our males are made available for stud at 80 days.

v8n9kj.gif <---Click for HIM

These are based off of my RL dogs: rubikbaseadairf.pngadaircollie.pnglilbc-adair2.png

I have one character: Selwyn, a Briard. I designed her, and created the original reference: These are my tags designed after her (its really hard to find Briard tags for sale):
SelwynforAdair.png <--- Click for large art.pixelcoltbase-adaircopy.pngdandelionbearbase-adaircopy.pngchibipuppy-adair7.pngchibipuppy-adair6.pngchibipuppy-adair5.pngchibipuppy-adair4.pngchibipuppy-adair3.pngchibipuppy-adair2.pngchibipuppy-adair1.pnglilbc-adair1.png

More Coming Soon!

**Buying Rules**
If a dog is up for private sale:
*You must not breed before level 10, 15, or 20 depending on the breed/circumstances*
*Your dogs must be cared for (95%) and shown in, at least, 30 shows a day*
*Preference is placed on Elite/SEF accounts. I will adopt to you if you are non-elite, but if an elite person who has a kennel of equal qaulity also bids, I will choose the elite acocunt*
*Are you a level 1 breeder?! Do not bid, I will not accept!*

Leveled dogs are usually up for Public Sale at a higher price.

I breed for performance AND genetics. Genetics bred litters/dogs will NEVER be up for public sale/breeding. I will either retire them or spay/neuter them.

**Breeding Rules**
Our males are placed up for stud once they reach 80 FP days.
Our minimum breeding level is 20. No excpetions.
If I go to your page, and your dogs are not shown, not cared for, and I get the impression you just bought a leveled female and requested a breeding, I will not accept.
Do NOT... message me if I reject your offer, ask me to lower the price, ask me to lower the level requirement, put a dog up for stud that is not currently available for stud... these things will NOT happen.
If your female is nice (and you are elite and can keep two puppies), I may be willing to get SPOL from you in place of the stud fee. However, IF I decide to do this, you will still pay the normal stud fee, and then I will bid on the puppy I would like for the same price as the fee you paid. If you would like to offer this, please message me.

I do know what's it like to be new to the game, I will help you if at all possible, get started with nice dogs. If you message me. However, do not message me asking for money or rare items, etc. This offer is only for those who are serious about starting to show one of the breeds I have.


Border Collies
[x] Level 5
[x] Level 10
[x] Level 15
[x] Level 20
[x] Level 25
[x] Level 30
[x] Level 50
[x] Level 75
[ ] Level 100

[x] 3rd Place Most Adept
[x] 2nd Place Most Adept
[x] 1st Place Most Adept
[x] 1st Place Most Agile
[x] 1st Place Most Enduring
[x] 3rd Place Most Experienced
[x] 1st Place Most Experienced
[x] Universal Champion (UC)
[x] Incredible Champion (IC)
[x] Star Champion (SC)
[x] Best of Breed Most Experienced
[x] Best of Breed Most Accomplished
[ ] Best of Breed Most Talented Trickster

[x] 24HH
[x] lala
[x] Double Stat Boost
[x] Multiple Colors? YES!

[x] Breed a puppy with two 30+ Stats at 7 Days
[x] Breed a puppy with two 50+ Stats at 7 Days
[x] Breed a puppy with two 100+ Stats at 7 Days
[x] Breed a puppy with two 120+ Stats at 7 days

[x] Level 5
[x] Level 10
[x] Level 15
[x] Level 20
[x] Level 25
[x] Level 30
[ ] Level 50

[ ] Universal Champion (UC)
[ ] Incredible Champion (IC)
[ ] Star Champion (SC)
[x] Best of Breed Most Experienced
[x] Best of Breed Most Accomplished
[x] Best of Breed Most Talented Trickster

[ ] 24HH
[x] lala
[ ] Double Stat Boost
[ ] Multiple Colors? YES!

[x] Breed a puppy with two 30+ Stats at 7 Days
[ ] Breed a puppy with two 50+ Stats at 7 Days
[ ] Breed a puppy with two 100+ Stats at 7 Days

Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeens
[x] Level 5
[x] Level 10
[x] Level 15
[x] Level 20
[x] Level 25
[x] Level 30
[x] Level 50

[x] Universal Champion (UC)
[x] Incredible Champion (IC)
[ ] Star Champion (SC)
[x] Best of Breed Most Experienced
[x] Best of Breed Most Accomplished
[x] Best of Breed Most Talented Trickster

[x] 24HH
[x] lala
[x] Double Stat Boost
[ ] Multiple Colors? YES!

[x] Breed a puppy with two 30+ Stats at 7 Days
[x] Breed a puppy with two 50+ Stats at 7 Days (getting close!)
[ ] Breed a puppy with two 100+ Stats at 7 Days
Border Collies:
SuSn Little Leo X L7K Diamonds for Marilyn (@85 & 100 FP days)
SuSn ALOIS So Worth It X L7K ALOIS Get What You Want (@ 85 & 100 days)

L7K Crazy Blues X L7K Chantilly Lace (@ 100 FP Days/female)

Petit Bassett Griffon Vendeens:
MCs Perfect Calm X L7K Number One (@ 100 FP Days)
MCs Perfect Calm X L7K Fore! (@ 100 FP Days)
MCs Perfect Calm X L7K The Tens (@ 100 FP Days)

Puppy Picker
Sire Selector
Tend to new puppies that just weaned!

Briard Colors/Genetics:
Fawn = aa tctc S* C*
Fawn and White (Irish) = aa tctc sisi C*
Light Fawn = aa tctc Ssi cc
Light Fawn and White (Irish) = aa tctc sisi cc
Silver = A* tctc S* C*
Silver and White (Irish) = A* tctc sisi C*
Black = A* T* S* C*
Black and White (Irish) = A* T* sisi C*
Black and Silver = A* ta*(tc or ta) S* C*
Black and Tan = aa tcta S* C* - must be the ta combined with aa
Black, Tan, and White (Irish) = A* tctc sisi C*
Black, Silver, and White (Irish) = A* ta*(tc or ta) sisi C*
Gray = A* T* S cc
Gray and White (Irish) = A* ta* sisi cc
Gray and Silver = A* ta* S* cc
Gray and Tan = aa ta* S* cc - Fawn with dilution and ta gene.
Gray, Tan and White (Irish) = aa ta* sisi cc
Gray, Silver, and White (Irish) = A* ta* sisi cc
Light Gray = A* tctc S* cc

Max Titles/Levels/Points Chart
This chart follows the scenario for a dog that places 1st place in 50 shows a day that have, at least, 30 competitors, for its entire lifetime without figuring in rares or boosts

FP Days Points Total Points Places Title Level
12 0 0 0 N 1
13 22500 22500 50 JPn 5
14 45000 67500 100 Pn 9
15 45000 112500 150 JA 12
16 60000 172500 200 IA 15
17 60000 232500 250 A 17
18 60000 292500 300 JM 19
19 75000 367500 350 IM 22
20 75000 442500 400 M 24
21 75000 517500 450 J Ex 26
22 90000 607500 500 I Ex 28
23 90000 697500 550 EX 30
24 90000 787500 600 Ch 32
25 105000 892500 650 Ch 34
26 105000 997500 700 GC 36
27 105000 1102500 750 GC 38
28 105000 1207500 800 NC 39
29 105000 1312500 850 NC 41
30 105000 1417500 900 CC 43
31 120000 1537500 950 CC 45
32 120000 1657500 1000 WC 46
33 120000 1777500 1050 WC 48
34 120000 1897500 1100 WC 50
35 120000 2017500 1150 WC 51
36 120000 2137500 1200 WC 53
37 120000 2257500 1250 WC 54
38 120000 2377500 1300 WC 56
39 120000 2497500 1350 WC 57
40 120000 2617500 1400 WC 58
41 120000 2737500 1450 WC 60
42 120000 2857500 1500 UC 61
43 135000 2992500 1550 UC 63
44 135000 3127500 1600 UC 64
45 135000 3262500 1650 UC 65
46 135000 3397500 1700 UC 67
47 135000 3532500 1750 UC 68
48 135000 3667500 1800 UC 69
49 135000 3802500 1850 UC 71
50 135000 3937500 1900 UC 72
51 135000 4072500 1950 UC 73
52 135000 4207500 2000 IC 74
53 135000 4342500 2050 IC 75
54 135000 4477500 2100 IC 77
55 135000 4612500 2150 IC 78
56 135000 4747500 2200 IC 79
57 135000 4882500 2250 IC 80
58 135000 5017500 2300 IC 81
59 135000 5152500 2350 IC 82
60 135000 5287500 2400 IC 83
61 135000 5422500 2450 IC 84
62 135000 5557500 2500 IC 85
63 135000 5692500 2550 IC 86
64 135000 5827500 2600 IC 87
65 135000 5962500 2650 IC 89
66 135000 6097500 2700 IC 90
67 135000 6232500 2750 IC 91
68 135000 6367500 2800 IC 91
69 135000 6502500 2850 IC 92
70 135000 6637500 2900 IC 93
71 135000 6772500 2950 IC 94
72 135000 6907500 3000 SC 95
73 135000 7042500 3050 SC 96
74 135000 7177500 3100 SC 97
75 135000 7312500 3150 SC 98
76 135000 7447500 3200 SC 99
77 135000 7582500 3250 SC 100
78 135000 7717500 3300 SC 101
79 135000 7852500 3350 SC 102
80 135000 7987500 3400 SC 103
81 135000 8122500 3450 SC 103
82 135000 8257500 3500 SC 104
83 135000 8392500 3550 SC 105
84 135000 8527500 3600 SC 106
85 135000 8662500 3650 SC 107
86 135000 8797500 3700 SC 108
87 135000 8932500 3750 SC 108
88 135000 9067500 3800 SC 109
89 135000 9202500 3850 SC 110
90 135000 9337500 3900 SC 111
91 135000 9472500 3950 SC 112
92 135000 9607500 4000 SC 113
93 135000 9742500 4050 SC 113
94 135000 9877500 4100 SC 114
95 135000 10012500 4150 SC 115
96 135000 10147500 4200 SC 115
97 135000 10282500 4250 SC 116
98 135000 10417500 4300 SC 117
99 135000 10552500 4350 SC 118
100 135000 10687500 4400 SC 119
101 135000 10822500 4450 SC 119

Game Time

12:53am on Mar 12

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