Rivers of Simon


About me

  • Name: Jay, in the net.
  • Country: Spain.
  • Study/Work: I'm a Veterinary looking for work.
  • Fave breed: although I also like other breeds, my absolutely fave dogs are Dalmatians, maybe because I own a real life crazy black spotted male called Yoel. I also own a wonderful pair of Chinchillas called Oz (the male) and Dru (the female) and a shy russian hamster called Maxi.
  • Accounts: Merchant, Master Breeder - Sales and Star Competitor.


    About Rivers of Simon

    Rivers of Simon is my kennel (registered prefix RofS), dedicated to breeding 24HH genetically double boosted Dalmatians, Sighthounds (Afghan Hounds, Borzois, Greyhounds, Pharaoh Hounds, Sloughis, Salukis, Silken Windhounds, Whippets...), Italian Greyhounds, Chinese Crested and KBT. I also own a few 24HH lines on Labs, Great Danes, Border Collies, Aussies and Czech Wolfdogs for getting some profit. If you wanna more info about my 24HH lines, contact me here.

    This is my Breeding - Sales account and I use it for keeping my sales and some lines in the beggining. I log-in a few time everyday, so you can contact me here


    Buying and Breeding Rules

    Buying: You can find here my dogs available for sale. Most part of the time, they'll be for Public Sale; if you want to know the litters I have for sale, you can contact me here or check my topics on the Dog Sales Board.

    **Disclaimer** Although this dogs are available for Public Sale, they're well cared and showed properly, just waiting for a new owner who needs them for her/his lines. This dogs aren't abandoned dogs and don't need to be rescued.

    If the dog is available for Private Sale, they're ready for being transfer to another kennel, unless in the name says "SALE".

    Breeding: any of the dogs from this kennel is available for breeding. If you wanna check my males available for studding, you can see them in my Star Competitor kennel: they're the ones with "STUD" in their nickname.


    Buying Unwanted Dogs

    I'm looking for unwanted dogs, not spayed/neutered, containing Fairs or Poors, and also for dogs without the health tested or over 100 days old. I'll pay:

    • Containing, at least, a Poor: 4 k (4000 fpd)
    • Containing, at least, a Fair and any Poor: 3 k (3000 fpd)
    • Without health test: 2 k (2000 fpd)
    • Over 100 days old, spayed or neutered: 0 k (0 fpd). Sorry but that kind of dogs can't be breed. I'd just take them for being retired in case you don't want to do it in your kennel.
    • With not Fairs/Poors and not Spayed/Neutered, not Senior but tested: 500 fpd. I consider that if you offer me that kind of dog, you only wanna quit it. Maybe you can get a better offer by selling them on boards and I'll probably retire your dog.
    Once I buy them, I'll retire any dog containing a Fair or Poor or over 100 days old, so be sure you don't want that dog, but I reserve the right of keeping any of that dogs for my own use.

    It's a good way of quitting some shopdogs with bad genetics and getting back a little money.

    If you're interested, just message me but I won't pay other ammount than the ones above.

    Before messaging me, put the dogs you want me to buy for Private Sale. Sorry but I have no time for checking your full kennel and tell you the ones I'm interested in, you can read it above.

    **NOTE: I'll pay 500 fpd more if the dogs are from the following breeds: Afghan Hound, Azawakh Hound, Borzoi, Chinese Crested, Dalmatian, Greyhound, Ibizan Hound, Irish Wolfhound, Italian Greyhound, Kerry Blue Terrier, Pharaoh Hound, Saluki, Sloughi, Whippet.

    **ABOUT LITTERS: sorry but if you get fairs or poors puppys when you breed your litters, you can left them go. I won't pick pups from litters with fairs and poors. If you wanna help for avoiding this kind of pups, just message me.

    **ABOUT RETIRING (FP FAQ's): "However, when a dog reaches 101 days of age, it loses the ability to show, train, or breed and is officially a "Senior". When this happens, it's best to retire your dog. Retiring your dog does not mean you're "kiling" it (they're immortal, remember?) "just think of it as letting him settle into a nice, long retirement, where he can romp and play in a huge backyard with lots of toys, maybe play some Bingo on Tuesday nights". Retiring isn't "put down" the dog, according the FP FAQ's, but it avoids that players than don't know how to work with genetics (or don't care) get more Fair or Poors dogs.



    Here I work with many dogs for setting the beggining pool for the "in-progress" lines of my main kennel. These are the pools of dogs I'm working now:

    Chocolate 4STR Afghan Hound
    Silver 4STR Irish Wolfhound
    Mouse Gray 4STM Great Dane
    Blue 4SPD Kerry Blue Terrier

Game Time

11:44am on Mar 3

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