Tennessee Rolling Hill Acres

just moved over to this account on 4/25/16.
#3498DB No new players(under 6 mths of game play)
I do not and will not sell to players who breed under lvl 30(that includes lvl 1 dogs. IF YOU breed at level 1-20 IT is an automatic REJECTION!)
I reject any bids if your kennel is messy(unkempt dogs)
I refuse any bids from players I have blocked
I will not sell dogs to players who do not train or show dogs
Must show, train and properly care for all dogs in kennel(includes comfort)
Keep dogs locked if cannot log on for a day or longer
I will take back any dogs you buy from me with no questions asked
No breeding females more than once, twice for males
I do not sell to genetic, puppy or backyard mills
2017 prices: $2000 for 2-4 Excellents
$1500 for 3-4 Goods
$1000 for fairs(2-4)
$100 per HH count, plus $100 per Excellent, $50 for Goods, $100 per fair(minus)
20 HH pup with 3 Goods, 1 Excellent and 1 Fair= $2000+150+100-100=2250

Game Time

02:52pm on Mar 31

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