Cherokee Winds Kennel

Welcome on into my Kennels. Here you will find some Pups I have picked up here and there and have been leveling, training, and breeding. I breed on the 98-day and 110-day. I have not been around that much in the past year but now I am back and ready to breed quality puppies and get back in the game. Soon I will be opening up my Layouts and Drawings for sale. I use to do this a lot to support my puppers back in the days of my Adoption Center with Mr. Venom :). Progenitor Pups: Kyo (#1497155)
Commissions are not open yet. Please check back later :).

800k Hex
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Scrappy Galaxia Troubadour Piglet WaYa Bandit Timba Sarge Wa Ya and Sarge photo CommissionWaYa.jpg Rex photo 2v2w37k_zps79ecf632.png photo 95911_orig_zpsdbd47351.png sellblue1_zps6066c203sm_zps37f3af97.jpg photo Pink_zps2dd7eae5.jpg photo 985794_orig_zpsbc757779.png

Game Time

08:11am on Mar 3

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