Star Dreams

Here at Star Dreams, my goal is to produce top quality dogs. Started on FP Beta 5 years ago, Star Dreams has housed Briards, Komondors, and Great Danes since the beginning. Now that we've moved over to the new site, these breeds will continue with some solid stock that was bred from the FP Beta lines. Also, Borzois and Dandie Dinmont Terriers are joining as new projects.

Each of the dogs is cared for, trained and entered in 50 shows daily. They are also equipped with leveled collars/leashes and fed food according to their sport and level. All dogs can be made available for stud on request once they are over 50 days old, though I reserve the right to refuse stud services to anyone. Please message me with inquiries.

Occasionally, I will sell a puppy from a litter. If you want to buy a puppy from me, you must meet certain requirements (I will do a kennel check). When sold, my puppies will always have my prefix (S*D) attached. If you ever want to re-sell a dog that you purchased from me, I require that you contact me first. I check back on all the dogs that I sell up until they are retired, and if I notice my pup neglected and/or not being shown, I will ask to buy it back from you. Breaking the rules will ban you from any future puppy-buying from Star Dreams.

Game Time

01:31pm on Feb 21

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