Devil's Kanotophobia in Seijaku

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Achievements & Goals


Updated 4-09-2019
Award Winners:
Afghan Hound:Surefire's Extreme Loss BoB Exp 1x - Lvl 82
Devil's Simple Mind BoB Exp 1x - Lvl 81
Simple Vender BoB Exp 1x - Level 70
Star's Devil BoB Exp 2x - Lvl 43
Aidi: R Dango BoB Exp 5x - Level 79
Sweetest Night BoB Exp 4x - Level 79
Akita: The Real Deal - BoB Exp 1x - Level 73
American Eskimo Dog: 21HH | 3Hh | chacha chacha [EEEE] - BoB Exp 3x - Level 80
21HH | 3Hh | lala | chacha chacha [EEEE] - BoB Exp 19x - Level 80
21HH | 3Hh | lala | chacha chacha [EEEE] BoB 3x - Level 74
Ava's Fëamára (14/0) Lla EEEE 1.1 BoB 3x - Level 73
21HH | 3Hh | lala [EEEE] BoB 1x - Level 78
Ava's Marillië (14/0) Lla EEEE BoB 1x - Level 74
Ava's Sinquissë (16/0) Lla EEEE BoB 1x - Level 74
American Indian Dog: Black and White (Irish) with Tan Points and Mask - BoB Exp 4x - Level 62
Australian ShepherdMooshy BoB Exp 5x - Lvl 93
Basset Hound: Raya's Nightmare BoB Exp 1x - Level 55
Black Mouth CurRusted Nails BoB Exp 13x - Level 75
12HH/3hh/lala BoB Exp 1x - Level 58
14HH/2hh/ll/RED BoB Exp 1x - Level 58
14HH/lla/chagi chaspd BoB Exp 1x - Level 60
Bouvier des Flandres: Candled Candy BoB Exp 5x - Level 66
Dangit BoB Exp 2x - Level 65
Tar BoB Exp 7x - Level 54
Text Alignment BoB Exp 1x - Level 64
Boxer: Devil's Lilacs BoB Exp -3x - Lvl 79
EEEE 18HH LlaBoB Exp 1x - Level 69
Cairn Terrier |BW| Vanilla BoB Exp - 10x - Level 76
Chinese Crested: Maybelle BoB 1x - Level 72
Amaretto BoB 1x - Level 79
Bussi BoB 5x - Level 79
Destiny's Dedicated Lover BoB 1x - Level 68
Eliana BoB 2x - Level 77
Croation Sheepdog: Lucky of the Two BoB Exp 2x - LEvel 71
Shadow BoB Exp 4x - Level 49
Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Oakley BoB 1x - Level 58
Doberman Pinscher: Arsenios BoB Exp 3x - Lvl 92
QABK EEEE BoB Exp 9x - Lvl 82
Devil's Jolhalus BoB Exp 3x - Lvl 84
Akira BoB Exp 11x - Level 53
Dutch Smoushond Fall BoB Exp 1x - Level 76
Devil's Blessed Starlight BoB 2x - Level 79
Cleo BoB Exp 1x - Level 74
Sale BoB Exp 6x - Level 78
Sale BoB Exp 2x - Level 78
Zarina la 1/2 GGEE [1/0] BoB Exp 1x - Level 74
Cleo la 0/2 EEGE [1/0] BoB Exp1x - Level 74
Kernel la 1/1 EEEE [2/1]BoB Exp 7x - Level 75
Solaris la 2/2 EEEG [1/0] BoB Exp 1x - Level 76
English Foxhound: Penny BoB Exp 5x - Level 57
English Shepherd Haymitch BoB Exp 13x - Level 64
English Toy Spaniel: Daisy' BoB Exp 10x - Level 67
Buttercup BoB Exp 7x - Level 68
Devil's Sun Splashed BoB Exp 5x - Level 71
Ricardo BoB Exp 1x - Level 71
Greg - BoB Exp 5x - Level 67
Kimbler II BoB Exp 6x - Level 73
Fame BoB Exp 2x - Level 62
Ricardo BoB Exp 2x - Level 70
Scooter BoB Exp 4x - Level 61
Greenland Dog: Real DealBoB Exp 1x - Level 56
Irish Wolfhound: Dante BoB Exp 1x 0 Level 56
$For Sale $ BoB Exp 12x - Level 68
$For Sale$ BoB Exp 10x - Level 68
Jamthund: Devil's Keeper of Time BoB Exp 18x || BoS Exp 1x Level -96
Devil's Keeper of the Gate BoB Exp 4x - Level 94
Adelaide's Keeper BoB Exp 18x - Level 89
Birk BOB BoB Exp 18x - Level 90
Adelaide BoB Exp 1x - Level 88
Annete BoB Exp 1x - Level 87
Anjou BoB Exp 1x - Level 84
Belle BoB Exp 4x - Level 88
Brienne BoB Exp 4x - Level 87
Bambi BoB Exp 4x - Level 84
Japanese Spitz: 75 IzanamiBoB Exp 3x - Level 59
Komondor: HaaKe Orange's Nyöri-Weedle 13HH/1hh BoB Exp 13x - Level 42
Kooikerhondje: Verde BoB Exp 5x - Level 70
Mango Italian Soda BoB Exp 7 - Level 70
Korean Jindo: Devil's Cannon BoB Exp 2x - Lvl 81
Devil's Colin Robinson BoB Exp 8x - Lvl 80
Devil's Beginnings BoB Exp 3x Lvl 80
FWN Devil's Eir of Pain BoB Exp 2x - Lvl 76
Devil's Reserved Mouse BoB Exp 2x - Lvl 81
Devil's Deep Love BoB Exp 3x - Lvl74
Devil's No Chance BoB 1x - Lvl 80
Devil's No Chance BoB Exp - 1x - Lvl 80
CRM Devil's Crematory BoB Exp 6x - Lvl 79
Devil's Better Than Dead BoB Exp 1x - Lvl 79
Good to Be King BoB Exp 2x - Lvl 77
Devil's Vampire Slayer BoB Exp 6x - Lvl 77
17HH//Lla BoB Exp 7x - Level 78
Zum zum zum BoB Exp 9x - Level 69
Devil's Eir BoB Exp 1x - Level 65
Devil's Good Dash BoB Exp 1x - Level 72
Devil's Secret Lover BoB Exp 2x - Level 71
13HH/2hh/EEGE/LL BoB Exp 1x - Level 64
17HH/Lla/1hh/GEEE/Cream BoB Exp 1x - Level 64
Zion Cream BoB Exp 1x - Level 63
Oopsie BoB Exp 3x - Level 55
Good Pup BoB Exp 4x - Level 55
Leonberger: United DutchLouloe BoB Exp 23x - Level 79
Mdew BoB Exp 3x - Level 53
Mastiff:United Dutch Orange Juice BoB Exp 2x - Level 72
United Dutch Medusa BoB Exp 6x, BoS Exp 1x - Level 78
United Dutch MangoBoB Exp 1x - Level 73
United Dutch Pineapple BoB 10x - Level 71
Norwegian Buhund: Level's Up Rescue #69BoB Exp 14x - Level 53
Old English Sheepdog: Himalayan Monal BoB Exp 1x - Level 52
Papillion: Umbwa Shakespeare BoB Exp 1x - Level 49
Pointer: Peek A Boo BoB Exp 2x - Level 65
Porcelaine: Devil's Last Portly BoB Exp 13x - Level 52
United Dutch Pudding BoB Exp 11x - Level 77
United Dutch Princess BoB Exp 29x - Level 79
United Dutch Power BoB Exp 2x, BoS Exp 2x - Level 76
United Dutch Pennsylvania BoB Exp 7x - Level 76
Shetland Sheepdog Evil Spirit from Beyond BoB Exp 1x - Lvl 93
Shiba Inu: Tomiko BoB Exp 9x - Level 72
Akiko BoB Exp 3x - Level 78
Swedish Valhund: 14HH/EEEE BoB Exp 1x - Level 66
Tosa Inu: Knight BoB Exp 24x - Level 51
Toy Fox Terrier: Akira's Chance BoB 2x - Level 52
Xoloitzcuintle:Love Over Gold BoB Exp 6x - Level 78
Yorkshire Terrier: Daisy of the Past BoS Exp 1x -Level 71
Duke's Last BoB Exp 1x - Level 69
Devil's Miny Buster BoB Exp 1x - Level 66
Blu of Past Events BoB Exp 5x - Level 75
Gotham's Savior BoB Exp 7x - Level 72

Highest Leveled Accomplished from Breeds in My Kennel

Afghan Hound:Mucky Blue Summer
Level 73
Africanis: Red with Black Sable and Mask
Aidi: Sweetest Nights
Level 79
Akita: The Real Deal
Level 73
American Indian Dog: United Dutch Ahiga
Level 70
American Staffordshire TerrierUnited Dutch Rogue
Level 74
Australian Cattle Dog: Shek's Resistance
Level 55
Australian Shepherd: Mooshy
Level 93
Azawakh Hound: Serenity's Deplorable
Level 54
Basset Hound: Raya's Nightmare
Level 55
Beauceron Diana
Level 58
Belgian Laekenois: Tested Among Us
Level 10
Black and Tan Coonhound: Molly
Level 57
Black Mouth Cur Rusted Nails
Level 75
Border Collie: CaLm Jacob
Level 65
Bouvier des Flandres: Candled Candy
Level 66
Boxer: Devil's Lilacs
Level 79
Cairn Terrier |BW| Vanilla
Level 76
Cardigan Welsh Corgi: Tangled
Level 62
Carpathian Shepherd: Devil's Already Gone
Level 56
Caucasian Ovtcharka: Lucky of the Two
Level 71
Cavalier King Charles Precious And Few
Level 75
Chinese Crested: Bussi
Level 79
Chow-Chow: Daisy
Level 51
Croation Sheepdog: Perfect Porcelaine
Level 55
Dalmation: Mirla
Level 66
Doberman Pinscher: Arsenios BoB Exp 5x - Lvl 92
Dutch Smoushond Sale
Level 78
English Foxhound: Penny
Level 57
English Shepherd: Haymitch
Level 64
English Springer Spaniel: Fariss 24HH
Level 67
English Toy Spaniel: Kimbler II
Level 73
German Shepherd: Coco Chanel
Level 62
Golden Retriever: Millenium Golden
Level 57
Great Dane: Storm Swifts Labonzu
Level 69
Greenland Dog: Real Deal
Level 73
Hovawart: For Sale 3HH 6hh GGGG
Level 72
Ibizan Hound: Sale!
Level 40
Irish Wolfhound:$For Sale$
Level 68
Jack Russel Terrier: Irony of the Past
Level 56
Jamthund: Devil's Keeper of Time
Level 96
Japanese Spitz: 75 Izanami
Level 59
Karelian Bear Do: Pepper
Level 57
Keeshond: Puppy 5 Lla/GGEE
Level 69
Komondor: HaaKe Orange's Nyöri-Weedle 13HH/1hh
Level 42
Level 75
Korean Jindo:
Devil's Reserved Mouse
Level 81
Leonberger: United Dutch Louloe
Level 79
Lapponian Herder: Strange Disease (GEGE)
Level 55
Large Musterlander: Three Ace’s Desire
Level 55
Mastiff: United Dutch Medusa
Level 78
Miniature Bull Terrier 7HH | 15Hh | 2hh
Level 70
Mudi: Devil's Bride Collector
Level 54
Miniature Schnauzer: KC Doubts
Level 54
Norfolk Terrier BB15 Isis
Level 55
Norwegian Buhund: Light of Ruthless Darkness
Level 56
Old English Sheepdog: Himalayan Monal
Level 52
Papillion: Umbwa Shakespeare
Level 49
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen: Alice
Level 58
Pointer: Peek A Boo
Level 65
Porcelaine:United Dutch Princess
Level 79
Rottweiler: Ballerina
Level 54
Saint Bernard Shadow's Lullaby
Level 55
Saluki Beautiful Music in My Heart
Level 75
Samoyed:We Light the Way
Level - 69
Shetland Sheepdog: Games Lords Play
Level 100
Shiba Inu: Hachiro
Level 79
Staffordshire Bull Terrier: Swagger's Wild Grass
Level 56
Standard Poodle: Arabian Dancer at surefire
Level 53
Swedish Vallhund: 14HH/EEEE
Level 66
Tosa Inu: Knight
Level 51
Toy Fox Terrier: Akira's Chance
Level 52
West Siberian Laika I see fire
Level 74
Xoloitzcuintle:Love Over Gold
Level - 78
Yorkshire Terrier: Blu of Past Eventst
Level 75

Kennel Goals

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MIDDLE LEFT SCROLL BOX:

Header Type One

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.

Header Type Two

Curabitur ut lobortis magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquam auctor facilisis. Etiam eu ante in nibh porttitor sagittis. Vivamus sit amet purus magna. Aliquam sagittis auctor elit, vel posuere ligula lacinia eu. In suscipit nisl pulvinar leo dignissim, eu aliquam quam rutrum.

Header Type Three

Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTTOM LEFT SCROLL BOX:

Header Type One

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.

Header Type Two

Curabitur ut lobortis magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquam auctor facilisis. Etiam eu ante in nibh porttitor sagittis. Vivamus sit amet purus magna. Aliquam sagittis auctor elit, vel posuere ligula lacinia eu. In suscipit nisl pulvinar leo dignissim, eu aliquam quam rutrum.

Header Type Three

Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOP RIGHT SCROLL BOX:


Hi, my name is Bet on here, and has been since I started playing FP way back when (pretty sure I was in 4th grade, yikes!). I'm currently working on getting my kennel organised and placing dogs in appropriate kennels with appropriate names. I currently live on a ranch in the mountains. My hours are extremely random as I really only sleep 3-4 hours a night; which in all honesty is all I need. I'm very ditsy and forget to respond to messages on a regular basis. Please, feel free to shoot another one my way. I'm not much of the talkative type, but I'll give you a good laugh with what awkward conversation I bring to the table :)
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BOTTOM RIGHT SCROLL BOX:

Header Type One

Bold. Italic. Underlined. Strikethrough. Link.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc eu nisl id risus placerat blandit in quis quam. Aenean bibendum lectus quam, dictum pulvinar sem convallis hendrerit. Praesent cursus, elit ut sagittis facilisis, justo massa suscipit nisl, ultrices eleifend mi sapien sit amet nibh. Sed a urna sem. Vestibulum eget felis sapien. Proin blandit sollicitudin sapien quis porta. Nulla facilisi. Nunc eget orci efficitur, auctor justo ac, maximus ex. Aenean tincidunt sapien eget mauris varius accumsan. Sed pellentesque, augue eu lobortis volutpat, tellus magna imperdiet justo, eget commodo dolor felis vitae dolor. Nam mattis erat tincidunt maximus aliquet.

Header Type Two

Curabitur ut lobortis magna. Aliquam erat volutpat. Quisque aliquam auctor facilisis. Etiam eu ante in nibh porttitor sagittis. Vivamus sit amet purus magna. Aliquam sagittis auctor elit, vel posuere ligula lacinia eu. In suscipit nisl pulvinar leo dignissim, eu aliquam quam rutrum.

Header Type Three

Phasellus id elit in libero volutpat semper. Phasellus vehicula et nibh vitae consectetur. Vestibulum sit amet dictum lorem. Maecenas eu lectus nec est luctus semper. Fusce eu tellus sit amet ante pellentesque tempor ut vitae enim. Vestibulum auctor semper neque, a laoreet ex laoreet viverra. Integer lorem libero, scelerisque non egestas sit amet, egestas at leo. Nullam porta efficitur nisl, dictum suscipit neque finibus molestie. Etiam enim enim, scelerisque ut semper quis, posuere eget urna. Vivamus sollicitudin elementum sem, ac vestibulum leo scelerisque aliquam. Proin viverra odio eu tellus ullamcorper, eu pulvinar tortor pharetra. Integer quis tellus sit amet magna ullamcorper tempus. Phasellus pulvinar metus vel diam feugiat, at aliquam augue pulvinar.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DO NOT EDIT CREDIT BOX:

layout by Tamra (#1318780)
moose by krutainis at Unsplash -- background by Drew Coffman at Unsplash
flower by JosepMonter at Pixabay

Game Time

04:14am on Mar 6

Welcome Guest

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