OMSC Kennels


OMSC Kennels

Here in OMSC Kennels the dogs are kept in top shape. Each dog is fed the best food that fits their level, groomed, trained and shown daily in the maximum amount of shows . Vaccinations are provided when the dog is due for an update. As you can see, a lot of work goes into these dogs and I strive to give them the best advantages by making sure they are shown at their full potential. Please abide by any kennel guidelines I may set out.

Feel free to message me anytime just to talk or if you want to ask me a question, I don't bite ;D

Breeding & Buying

Within Our Walls;
Dogs within our kennel are only bred when both dogs have reached our minimum breeding level of 15. Females are bred on their 88th and 100th day. Litters from the 88th day breeding are available for purchase [most of the time], the pups from the 100 day breeding are normally kept to continue the lines, sometimes available depending on the breed and success of the litter. New lines are bred when males and females reach levels 20+ to focus on improving genetics without decreasing the XPM.
As of now the prices are as followed for litters regardless of breed...
POL/SPOL: 100,000fpd
Prices are subject to change.
In order to buy a pup from us you must fit our requirements:
NO level 1 breeders, "puppy mills," etc.
Must be a show home.
Min. breeding level must be at least level 15.

Public Studs; Current available studs can be located here.
Males are available after they reach at least level 15. Females are never offered to the public. In order to use one of my studs your female must be...
At least level 15. No exceptions. Fully cared for, vaccinated, and leveled for the day.
My stud fee is (100fpd x level)
Prices can change for whatever reason & I do not have to accept your requests.

Rottie Pairs (note to self)
Female Breed By Health/Stats
Marygold 88/100 INT litter

Marygold (88/100 days) -INT litter
Tina (100 days) -STM litter

Maggie (88/100 days) -STM/INT litter
Melody (88/100 days) -INT/STR litter
Sydney (100 days) -STM litter
Faith (88/100 days) -INT/STM/STR litter
Lily (100 day) - STM litter

Breath of Fresh Air (88/100) -STR litter
Sofia (100days) -INT/STM/STR litter

Alina (88/100 days) -INT litter

Sadie (88/100 days) -INT litter
Rose (88/100 days) -INT litter


Message me any questions or requests about my services. If you are listed as a REF and would like to be removed for whatever reason, please send me a message.

***IMPORTANT*** if dogs are not picked up from any of the following services within two days of your return/service was performed then I can do whatever I want with them and do NOT have to return them to you. They could be retired, pounded, sold to the public, or kept as my own personal kennel dogs. Message me if you have a problem and cannot pick up your dogs for whatever reason at the time and I can board them for you until further notice.
Leveling/Boarding CLOSED
[Puppies] 500fpd/day
[Levels 1-4] 900fpd/day or 6,000/week
[Levels 5-9] 1,500fpd/day or 11,000/week
[Levels 10+] 2,000fpd/day or 15,000/week
Prices will increase to the next stage if you want your dog upgraded to food fit for their level. If you want your dog to remain at the same food the entire time in my kennel then the price will not increase. If you want the dog upgraded then I will make note of it in the dogs description on the day I upgraded them. If you do not wish to have your dog upgraded, please let me know, puppies to adults will automatically upgrade since they will be able to be shown. Collars and leashes can be upgraded to what would be best for their level/sport. If you want to keep the upgraded collars/leashes then I will change to the pet shop prices +500fpd. Puppies will be fed, played with, watered, and ran through the training area. Dogs will be kept at a showing potential of 100% at all times, ran through the training area, and shown in maximum shows daily. Vaccinations & grooming will be provided when needed.
LEVELING/BOARDING REFs: #44334603, #846679, #1011316, #964267, #920718, #515997 (x2),




Game Time

10:17pm on Mar 12

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