Dolce ma non Troppo Kennels

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About Dolce ma non Troppo

The Dogs

I used to speicialize in many breeds, but I've now narrowed it down to silken windhounds and cardigan welsh corgis. My lines are still quite young, but quickly growing in quality.

My Motto

My kennel's motto is 'the standard of excellence' and that's exactly what I strive for with my dogs. All my dogs are shown in 50 shows a day. They are bred only once when they turn 100 days old to ensure the highest quality pups are produced. My lines come completely from my own kennel. I pride myself on my hard work and strive to create my own unique lines.



About the Owner

A short Biography

The name's Daphne, but I go by flute online. I've been a band geek since 6th grade and I've been in love with music ever since. My favorite hobbies include making music, finding new songs, drawing, researching random information, playing pokemon, knitting, and at times simply doing nothing. Taxidermy is the strangest hobby I've garnered and I don't plan on stopping anytime soon. As far as my personality goes I'm a pretty subdued individual and an introvert all the way. My worst habits include talking too much (mostly about something new I've learned), not grasping social cues, having a huge lack of empathy, laughing at the wrong time, and always wanting to be left alone. On the upside I never mean to come off as rude (so I think I'm nice) and I enjoy helping others even if I can't empathize with them.

My Characters and Art

Click on the tag to go to their page! Or click here for my character website

ZvlastniTag24_zps1087ca89.png SoliloquyTag1_zps785a4b41.png OxfordTag15_zpsc96b1481.png AugustineTag1_zps99a37d2e.png ArtemisTag6_zps27c0c16c.png CastorTag2_zps560ae622.png

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Game Time

07:05pm on Mar 15

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