Tina's Happy Tails

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Site Designed by: Happy Paws
Hi my name is Tina & I run the Happy Tails kennel.

I have 2 kennels. This is my main kennel (646558) & my other is 760076. My boyfriend and daughter also play fp. 650315 & 647861 are my boyfriends and 702923 & 714979 my daughters. At the moment they are all being run from the same ip address.

My kennel has expanded over the year's! lol But I take good care of my dogs. If I don't have time to care for them, then my kennel is locked. My aim is to breed 24HH dogs with high stats. They are entered into 50 shows everyday. They receive the best food, collars & leashes for their stats. I rarely breed below level 30 and usually only on their 100th day. When my male's reach level 30, they are put up for stud. If I miss the one you are interested in, please message me. :) I don't bite. lol

If you are interested in a pup from one of my litter's, please feel free to place a bid. (There is usually a post). I will do kennel checks and if your kennel does not meet my standards, then I have the right to refuse your bid.

My requirements are: 1) Your dogs must be kept at 100% everyday 2) Your dogs must be entered into the maximum shows daily 30 or 50 depending on account 3) Your breeding level should be a minimum of 20 but preferably higher

I work very hard to keep the standards in my kennel high and I want my pups to go to homes where this will be recognised and continued.

Regards Tina

Game Time

03:43am on Mar 6

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