Pyro Fun Kennels


Welcome to my kennel! Feel free to message me anytime. This is the Zabang! account. I use this account for tomb raiding and buying stuff. Yes, stuff.

Other Accounts

Freakdom is my competition account, Blind Mouse is my breeding account, and Zabang! is my merchant account. I do keep dogs on this account, but more as pleasure dogs than hardcore showing dogs.
Why don't I just name the accounts Freakdom Competion, Freakdom Breeding, and Freakdom Merchant? BECAUSE IT'S FUN THIS WAY. I mean, I love this name making, making it so that I have completely unique names.
You know what? This table took Freakdom a LONG time to twiddle with and code. Please don't steal it. Only her accounts (Blind Mouse, Freakdom, and Zabang!) may use this code unless you ask me for permission first.

Game Time

09:53am on Feb 17

Welcome Guest

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