Karun kennel

-------OUR GOALS-------

I try to practice breeding like it is in real life. Not to look dogs genes (you won't see them in real life) but rather what the dog looks like and is it healthy and working right. And what stats are high and what the offspring will get. I have to do the DNAtesting to get what the hips,eyes etc. are. But I try to not look genes.

We are aiming to breed Shibas that are:

Correct color
- black&tan with urajiro (light undersides)
- red with urajiro
- sesame with urajiro
With color we try to avoid: too pale red, too much white (no color over muzzle), black mask, black sable.

Fitting temperament for A shiba
- independent
- determined

Stat boosts that fit to the breed
- Agi, Cha, Int, Sta

And ofcourse excellent health

------ PUPPY BYER------

So.. You like feel humiliated, good sprints, catching guick things and most of all,
some challence in your life?

Congrats! You have come to right place! If you answered yes to alla above you are in need of one herhighnessissohigh Shiba Inu.

We have now started our new lines. Our current dogs are foundation stock, offspring of fpaw beta dogs and super imported dogs. It will take a while to create our lines. There should be 5-11 of them in future.

There will be probably dog for sale every generation.

Game Time

11:50am on Mar 10

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