Lionswood Kennels

Welcome to Lionswood Kennels!

I do character commissions. Feel free to contact me. See my own characters as samples of my work.

My Character Rules:
No sticky paws please!
All my characters are breedable, tradeable, and revampable, as long as credit for the original design remains mine and on the ref.
Do not remove my signature.
I reserve the right to re-use lines from your commission on other characters, unless otherwise discussed during purchase.
Please send payment with the form. I will not collect until the character is delivered.
Each commission should take no more than two weeks to complete unless otherwise discussed at time of purchase.

Custom characters and Litter Pups are 6 FPP or 7mil FPD.
Revamps of existing characters are 3 FPP or 4mil FPD.
I can include one plushie for free!
Headshots will be included automatically if I feel that clarity for the design warrants one.

Payment Type:
Character Breed:
Character Gender:
Character Name:
Color Scheme:
Any Design Input:
Anything Else: (If litter pup, include parent links here)



Main Characters
Flare Poseidon Ayres Armour Tootsie Tal

Secondary Characters
Pilot Macaroni Laine Shy Wildcat Leo Winter Mick Aviator Blaze

Say hi to Kira!

Game Time

03:43am on Mar 6

Welcome Guest

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