Inkblot Kennels



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About Me

These days I'm going by tryst. And, well, that's about all you need to know. ^.^

My Breeds

My original loves are the sighthounds - specifically salukis and the occasional afghan hound. I've tried to spice up my kennel with some outside breeds, but I always end up going back to these guys.

Other 'projects' are lemon spotted dalmatians and Tibetan mastiffs.

I love tinkering around with genetics to see what I'll get. I've been known to go out of my way to find something quirky (e.g. my dallies) or 'pretty' (e.g. my white salukis) while maintaining decent stats. My own little eugenics lab.

Other Goals

Some of the dogs here are either from low-level parents or storebred, and some are bought well past their showing 'prime.'

I attempt to make a point to buy and breed from the rejects of FP society in a vain effort to make the next generations a little bit better. It's just a sad fact of life most of these dogs won't be high-leveled, but hopefully their pups (when I get to breeding them) will get one step better.

I don't consider myself a rescue, as these dogs tend to be random little additions rather than part of some goal. I tend to pick on random whim. ^.~


I'm always seeking breeding pairs. I will happily invest in dogs with high stats or high genetic standards. I'm willing to pay in FPP or FPD, depending on preference.

Aside from my stated favorites, I'm also looking for:
Miniature Schnauzers
Irish and Gordon Setters

I'm open to other breeds. As said, I do like dogs with some genetic variety or something I can specialize in.

That said, my time for FP is sporadic. If I go offline for any extended period, I'll always lock my account and pick up right where I left off. Since this happens, well, fairly frequently, I always try to set up breeding pairs to avoid any pesky 100-day gaps between purchases. This also makes my breeding projects incredibly drawn out affairs. ^.~


I do the occasional manip (see banner), price negotiable.


This layout was made using Panda Protector's Free Layout Maker (link). The design and coding is copyright to Panda Protector #68069. Do not resell, and do not redistribute outside The banner was made by tryst, using pictures from under creative commons license.

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12:15pm on Mar 14

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