Da Kennel

Hi here's a FAQ:

Are you open for commissions:
If I'm open for commissions I almost always make a post about it on the ASB so check there first. If you don't see one you're free to message me and ask but the majority of the time the answer will be "sorry I'm too lazy to do commissions right now!".

Do you want to do an art trade:
Idk maybe. Hmu.

Will you make me free art:
Idk sometimes I get these random bursts of goodwill and gift a ton of strangers with free stuff but those moods come and go so. Probably not.

I bought a character from you awhile ago can I trade/breed/resell it:
Sure what do I care. Just don't resell it for more than what you bought it for unless you've acquired art for it.


- Character Website
- Naruto tumblr (if ur into that) <-----this is where I can be reached if I've gone on yet another hiatus from FP.

For Myself:
Redo Ryco, Hallow, and Waffles Ref
Ref for Izotz and Bellini
Refs for Tuxani, Kazoo, and Ben
Just a lot of refs

Commission Status:

Name/ID Type Date Ordered Status
Filler Filler Filler Filler
Filler Filler Filler Filler

People Owe Me:
Rana - Custom tag of Nala - 6/4/18
Az - Custom tag of Nala - 6/6/18

Game Time

12:01pm on Mar 11

Welcome Guest

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