Canine Kennel Club

Hiya Friends,

Welcome to Canine Kennel Club.

I’m currently working on lines of:

German Shepherd (Shutzhund/Obedience) INT Boost

American White Shepherd (Shutzhund/Obedience) STR Boost

Dalmatian (Hunting Trials/Racing) CHA Boost

Dachshund (Earthdog Trials/Tracking) SPD Boost

Goal is to get these breeds to EEEE and 24HH

I’m also working on my Great Dane lines with a focus on competing in hunting trials and getting best of breed (STM Boost)

My Comanion Dog Kennel is for my grape dogs and is just a bit of fun, I’m picking breeds that I think look best with the grape colours and trying to create a good line too.

Achievements I’m currently working towards are:

Bronze Performer Medal

Blue Diversifier Ribbon

Silver Progenitor Medal

Thanks for visiting xx

I've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on

I've Got Quality Dachshunds on

I've Got Quality Dalmatians on

I've Got Quality American White Shepherds on

I've Got Quality Great Danes on

Game Time

05:25pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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