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About Valley Breeze

Welcome to Valley Breeze Kennel (shaybaby1).
I consider this my main account of my three accounts.
I currently specialize in breeding quality English Toy Spaniels, but dabble in many others on the side, including Pugs, Boston Terriers, Tibetan Spaniels, Italian Greyhounds, Lhasa Apsos, Chart Polskis, Salukis, Bull Terriers, Dandie Dinmonts, Pekingeses, Bulldogs, Finnish Lapphunds, Great Pyrenees, Mudis, Pomeranians, Porcelaines, Swedish Vallhunds, Weimaraners, Xoloitzcuintles, English Setters, Shetland Sheepdogs, Skye Terriers, Miniature Dachshunds, Cardigan Corgis, Leonbergers, as well as a myriad of other breeds. Can you tell I love brachycephalic breeds?
1) I am Elite, and try to stay that way.
2) I show my dogs in 50 shows daily.
3) I do keep my dogs feed/water/groom/play stats at 100% daily. I keep vaccinations up-to-date. I train daily in my 64-rating arena.
4) I breed my dogs when the elder mate is 88 and 100 days. I try hard to stick to this.
5) The dogs I breed will never be under level 10, usually not under level 15, and I try hard not to breed under level 20.
6) I do not retire my active dogs until they are over age 100.
7) I have no problem with inbreeding. IN GAME. Of course it's different in the real world. But this is a game. Line breeding is how I get my best quality dogs. If you have a problem with my methods, check your rear for protruding stick-like objects.
8) I lock my dogs a lot. Real life just gets in the way sometimes.
9) I use my main account as a partial rescue. So the random breeds for public sale you may find on this account (under "Rescue Kennel") are rescues from the pound, which I enjoy "fixing up" (testing, training, items, shows, etc). I usually spend tens of thousands on them, but they will almost always have a rehoming fee of <$1k. (<$100 for seniors.)
About Her
name is
I am currently 25.
My birthday is June 25.
I have a 7 year old semi-autistic son,
I am the KY/OH wife of a British fellow.
We met on the internet over a decade ago. (NOT an online dating site.)
passion is chickens (poultry in general). <33>We pretty much live in a zoo.
For those who may actually care, these
minions pets are listed below.
roxie -
toby -
daisy -
gulliver -
pinky -
RIP ralphie 5/12/14 <3>
sophie (le meow meow) -
trissy -
joy -
toshi -
gizmo (
aranea (aka THE DEVIL) -
larry -
curly -
moe(ratty kisses!)CHICKENS:
dixie -
henny penny -
chicky-chick -
buffy (rooster) -
goldie -
major -
rupie -
mama -
scooter -
peach -
primrose -
general -
dolly -
rusty -
archibald (hen) -
sergeant -
romeo -
tootsie -
honey -
ginger -
colonel -
rosie -
junebug -
pamela -
reba -
dude (
[x] [x] [x] [x]..what can i say..he's a handsome dude) -
mister -
sir - guy (camera shy) -
7 unnamed pullets -
8 unnamed chicks - 5 more unnamed chicks (camera shy) - (
probably forgot someone)
rebecca (puddleduck) -
daffy (girl) -
puddle (brown,left) -
milly (mallard) -
fro (middle) -
charlie -
bluey -
goliath (back) -
pants - swedey (camera shy)-
chucky -
plucky -
2 unnamed runner ducklings -
special &
[x] &
[x] &
7 coturnix quail -
2 button quail -
2 guinea keets -
gabby (goose) -
white ringneck dove pair -
gilliflower dooderbutt "flower" (cockatiel) -
sterling mcpooch (grumpypants cockatiel)OTHER CRITTERS:
chick (apha horse) -
coco (morgan horse) -
eleanor (pygmy goat) (just kidding, [camera shy]) - roastie (pb pig) (camera shy) -
noku te whiwhi (nz rabbit)Hall of Famers/Achievement Boarders
Not updated.
VBK Essence of Win - #2 Top Trickster (at time of retirement) with >45k trick points.
VBK Essence of Win - Alltime #1 Top English Toy Trickster with >45k trick points.
VBK Baron Von Wrinkles - #9 Most Accomplished Bulldog with almost 600 wins.
VBK Essence of Win - #5 Most Accomplished English Toy with over 450 wins.
VBK Epic Win - #9 Most Accomplished English Toy with over 150 wins.
BKoH Look At Me Go - #4 Most Accomplished Leonberger with over 450 wins.
BluF Silver 'n Gold & BluF Sweet Raine - Both under Most Accomplished Salukis.
VBK Essence of Win - #5 Most Experienced English Toy at level 21.
BKoH Look At Me Go - #1 Most Experienced Leonberger at level 21.
BluF Silver 'n Gold & BluF Sweet Raine - Both under Most Experienced Salukis at levels 27 and 25.
VBK De Ja Vu - under Top Dandie Dinmont Tricksters.
VBK Essence of Win - #1 top English Toy Trickster with >45k trick points.
BKoH Look At Me Go - under Top Leonberger Tricksters.