Peace in the Valley Kennels

*Legacy player from 2008! Former kennel: American Pride Racing, among other things*

I've Got Quality Australian Shepherds on Furry-Paws.comI've Got Quality German Shepherd Dogs on

Breeding Standard Operating Procedures (SOP):
--No breeding before level 15.
--No studding before level 15. (exceptions made to level 10).
--No breeding Poor or Fair traits. Show dogs only.
--No studding for less than 5000+500*HH (except friends)
--Once signature lines est., bitches only breed at levels 88 and 100.
----Signature Bloodlines will hold a premium price base off of what I value them at. Pairs will not be sold except to lineage contributors or when I open the lines up for sale. They can be sold as an entire line for the right price at any point.

Signature bloodline establishment takes place when the following standards are true:
1 or more breeding pairs of 24HH (hh<0> Parents were > level 29 when bred (prefer age 88/100)
In some lines there is a color goal to be met, and it must be consistent before founding the lineage.

Records may be kept in Notes. First 5 generations may have up to 2 surrogate bitches and up to 2 studs for quality establishment.

Game Time

11:41am on Mar 3

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