Italian Barks Kennels

- Dell'Italia & me -

Dell'Italia, (Hounds division) is dedicated to the breeding of the Italian Greyhound and the Spinone Italiano. On FP Beta it was one of the main and most competitive kennels dedicated to these breed, we plan to reinstate that state of things on FPaw as well :)

- My Services -

I offer various services on Fpaw to help people take care of their dogs [details]
Double Training (via DTT): 400$ one sport, 800$ for two, 1100$ with exercising.
Exercising (for basic accounts who want to benefit from extra shows): 350$.
Boarding (dogs will be treated as mine): 800$ per dog/day + cost new collar and leashes upon leveling. Double training is discounted of 200$ when boarding the dog.
Litter Boarding (for basic players, to keep 2 pups from a litter): 6000$ for just boarding (food, socializing, etc.) or 10,000$ complete of equipping and training.

Notes: prices may chances as I become more familiar with high level dog expenses.
Dogs must be recover in 48hours after end of service or I'll be in the right to sell them

- NH FaQ -

I am a Newbie helper, which means you can message me directly or use the Modbox (be sure to choose the 'Help!' category) to clear up any doubt you may have about the game. Before doing that, however, be sure to check the files as your question might have been answered there.

Be aware that NH are not here to hand out FPD, dogs or any other kind of freebie, but only to answer questions and help you get started! :)

- Useful links & Guides -

Game Time

01:52pm on Feb 22

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