Desert Violet Haven



Desert Violet Haven | Genetics Program

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I have always have a soft place in my heart for many of the ‘Bully-Type” breeds, they tend to be some of the best dogs when it comes to family life and protection. I first though I would specialize in APBTs but since there are sooooo many of them on this site I thought it would be best to not add to their grand numbers and instead focus on another breed. I considered the Chinese Shar-Pei, Rhodesian Ridgeback, and the Dogo Argentino. Out of those three the Dogo won my heart. They may be one of the less colorful breeds [only coming in different variations of white] I love them and will place most of my focus on them with Rhodesians then the Shar-Pei coming next.

All goals and regulations for the breeds mentioned above will be beneath their prospective header. If you are interested please read the information within FULLY. They may have some of the same rules and regulations but there may be some special restrictions as well.

Dogo Argentino | Breeding Program

*~More Information Coming Soon~* I operate a Closed Kennel UNLESS you would like to message me about one of my Studs. If you’d like to message me about breeding request for one of my Bitches I will accept ONLY if I have already bred her. You must contact me when she is 88 Days or younger so I can plan for the breeding. In the event that my female produces more than 1 puppy I hold all rights to the second pick of the litter (SPOL) which will be kept to continue my lines. All puppies will have the Prefix of DVH.

Rhodesian Ridgeback | Breeding Program

*~More Information Coming Soon~* I operate a Closed Kennel UNLESS you would like to message me about one of my Studs. If you’d like to message me about breeding request for one of my Bitches I will accept ONLY if I have already bred her. You must contact me when she is 88 Days or younger so I can plan for the breeding. In the event that my female produces more than 1 puppy I hold all rights to the second pick of the litter (SPOL) which will be kept to continue my lines. All puppies will have the Prefix of DVH.

Chinese Shar-Pei | Breeding Program

*~More Information Coming Soon~* I operate a Closed Kennel UNLESS you would like to message me about one of my Studs. If you’d like to message me about breeding request for one of my Bitches I will accept ONLY if I have already bred her. You must contact me when she is 88 Days or younger so I can plan for the breeding. In the event that my female produces more than 1 puppy I hold all rights to the second pick of the litter (SPOL) which will be kept to continue my lines. All puppies will have the Prefix of DVH.

Guilds, Current and Past

R.D.S. Banner photo RDSFoundBanner_zps178efabd.jpg

Click Picture to View



CLOSING: Rescue Program

Kennel Clear Out!

Desert Violet Haven and Rescue can be found by clicking this link and it is one of the many great adoption kennels here on FP. I always have the dogs, ranging in all levels, ages, and breeds available for adoption up for private sale with $500 FPD [50% off!] being the minimum bid. All money received will be considered donations to DVR! Other donations are accepted, but not expected :D

I do Kennel Checks. I look for low level breeding (below level 10). I, personally, don't breed my dogs until they are 88 or 100 FP days old but I do not expect others to have the same standards. Just message me if you are doing a color project or a 24HH/hh genetic milling that would require you to breed the dog early.

ALL your dogs must be cared for. I understand everyone has a life outside of FP so if it's 8 am (EST) and your dogs are not fed/cared for I UNDERSTAND. However, if it is 10 pm (EST) and the above is current in your kennel you will not get the dog you are bidding for.

Current Donations Over 10,000 FPD

$106,000 FPD~ #797906 [In total]

$66,000 FPD~ #933753 [In total]

$58,000 FPD~ #1133485 [In total]

$50,000 FPD~ Anonymous

$25,000 FPD~#1059105

$14,000 FPD~#1195541 [In total]

And a SPECIAL thanks to Border Collie (#789868) :D

I am expanding my Main Kennel and will no longer be taking in Rescues. Please look thought the dogs I have available. I'm willing to negotiate prices :D


Pandala, The Awesome

Will The Real Pandala, Please Stand Up?


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Game Time

03:56am on Mar 22

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