Origins Mystery

Welcome to Origins Mystery!

Hi, I'm SilverWolfHowl. I played on the original FP, and I am currently in college! Will be on and off sporadically so apologies beforehand!

Favorite color: Green. I like blue and black as well.
Favorite books: The Call of the Wild by Jack London, All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein.
Favorite movies: Abbott and Costello movies, Goonies, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, Pirates of the Caribbean, and many more.
Favorite Tv shows: Doctor Who (New and Classic), Psych, Red vs. Blue.
Favorite Video Games: Borderlands, WoW, Diablo 3, Assassins Creed, Witcher 3
Hobbies: Reading, singing, crocheting, playing video games

This is my character site

At Origins Mystery, we focus on breeding top-quality dogs. Our current breeds are American Indian Dogs, Rhodesian Ridgebacks, and Greek Harehounds. We have been doing American Indian Dogs and Rhodesian Ridgebacks since 2009.

Origins Mystery is closing down as a part-time rescue, all dogs for public sale for $15.

I play World of Warcraft, I've been playing since Wrath (of the Lich King). My main is Feynix, a Draenei shaman, and Chiyodragon, a Worgen rogue. My gamer tag is ChaoticChiyo, so hit me up.

Considering breeding Catahoula Leopard Dogs.

Game Time

11:44pm on Jan 22

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