Kennel of the Moonlit Wolves


Behind the Scenes


Yo. Error here.

You may have known me as Thomassen, Endeem, or Arretez. Been on and off FP since I was in middle school, possibly earlier. I've been claimed by an oversized fluffball husky named Hachi. I'm just about graduating university for an Environmental Sciences B.S. I function mostly in English, but can understand a spattering of Mandarin Chinese.

Favorite things to do include sleeping, playing with code (this profile resulted in many sleepless nights), listening to music, writing, and most importantly, bikejoring with the dog.

Music tastes include ballads, Home Free, Peter Hollens, and Leehom Wang.
A Kennel of Moonlit Shepherds

Current Projects:

  • 24HH 4int Czechoslovakian Wolfdogs
  • 24hh 4int Croatian Sheepdogs
~KM~ has been in running since March of 2009. We specialize in herding breeds, mainly the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog and Croatian Sheepdog. We selectively focus on intelligence, health, and performance. Dogs with aptitude in Tracking, Herding, or Agility will do especially well here.

We have no problems taking in non-specialty dogs, although space may be limited. Each dog will be taken care of and expected to perform at their optimal level.
Breeding Policy
• Dog must be at least the same level as the stud.

• Females will not be bred out, with exceptional exceptions.

• Your dog must have the same or more amount of HH's [for Czechoslovakians] or hh's [for Croatian Sheepdogs].

• Please message me first before sending a breeding request.

Kennel Pricing
For Czechoslovakian Dogs:
• Dogs: $5000 * #HH * Lvl + equipment cost
• Pups: $5000 * #HH * equipment cost

For Croatians:
• Dogs: $5000 * #hh * Lvl + [equipment cost]
• Pups: $5000 * #hh + [equipment cost]

• Dogs: $1000 * [level] * [equipment cost]
• Pups: $1000 * [age] * [equipment cost]

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....more can be found on my!

code: #777674 - bg: LadiaHidoi.dA

Game Time

05:43am on Mar 6

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