Blueridge Acres Rescue Kennel & Sanctuary

DOGS WILL BE INTERMITTENTLY LOCKED & UNLOCKED DUE TO A BUSY SCHEDULE. Please feel free to bid regardless and I will accept them ASAP.

About Blueridge Acres Rescue Kennel & Sanctuary


Welcome to Blueridge Acres Rescue Kennel & Sanctuary (BARKS). Our mission is to increase the overall standard of dogs on FP. We do this by taking in unwanted/neglected/at-risk dogs and caring for them exactly as any high-quality showing kennel would. All of our dogs are fed & equipped with level-appropriate stat raising items, played with, watered, groomed, trained, and shown each and every day. At level 2 they are put up for adoption to showing homes.

No dogs are ever bred here, for any reason, at any time. Kennel policy changing due to the addition of achievements! Dogs are only bred here if a) They have reached 101 days of age with no suitable home found and b) They have attained a high level and the pairing will improve overall breed quality.

BARKS is the largest full-time leveling rescue on FP, with room for 1,500 dogs presently and a goal to increase to 1,600 dogs in the very near future (and possibly expand to a second kennel!).

Please feel free to message me if there is a dog you would like to surrender! If kennel space is an issue, BARKS prioritizes dogs under 50 days.


BARKS dates back to FP Beta, where it was known as Blueridge Fields Rescue Center (BFRC). There we were possibly the largest rescue, with room for over 100 dogs (back when 100+ dogs were near impossible to care for!). Our mission was simply to increase the percentage of leveled dogs on the game. We are now attempting to get re-established on the new FP, including expanding our kennel size and staying Elite so that our dogs are provided with the largest competitive advantage possible.



We currently have one affiliate kennel, owned by Shepherd (#150749). Our affiliates conform to the same high standards of care and have rights to our prefix. Affiliates may have slightly different methods of running their kennels, including higher standards of adoption and breeding high-leveled dogs of retiring age in order to improve breed quality. Please contact me if you are interested in becoming an affiliate kennel.


Yes, I know the dogs are pixels. No, you're not a terrible person if I purchase a dog from you. I just find this a fun way to play the game!

Been playing FP for over 10 years now! I remember when:

  • FPP cost 500k FPD or less.
  • Dogs didn't have colors or genetics.
  • Trick training was possible.
  • Kennels weren't in neighborhoods, and in fact you couldn't see them at all.
  • Grooming was not part of the game.
  • Dogs couldn't have chews.
  • Neither the trading center nor the FPP exchange existed, and the only thing you could send via messaging was text.
  • Dogs were shown manually (you had to click to enter each show for each dog) -- until the 20FPP SEF!
  • Scavenger hunts & special days like chocolate malt day.
  • Dogs couldn't be locked.


Adoptable dogs are generally priced at $500 X Level, though some high demand dogs may be priced up to $1,000 X Level (usually rare colored/age 101 dogs). Prices are highly negotiable for interested kennels which meet adoption requirements. These prices are set to cover costs associated with the training, accessorizing, and upkeep of dogs. Additional donations are greatly appreciated, as all proceeds from dog sales go to kennel upkeep.

NOTE: I am currently considering public sales of dogs at age 101+ (due to the high amounts of level 1 dogs coming in to the kennel and limited kennel space), so the following may soon apply to privately sold dogs only.


In order to adopt one of our dogs, your kennel must meet these requirements:
  • Dogs are shown in at least 30 shows every day. If you can't show a day, lock your account.
  • No breeding before level 15. I prefer to adopt to kennels who only breed at a minimum level of 40.
  • All dogs are cared for daily to 100% condition (i.e. played with/fed/watered/groomed/trained and equipped with a bed and chew).
  • You can not be a full time rescue. If you are interested in becoming an affiliate kennel please contact me first.
  • Dogs must not be retired early. If you can no longer care for the dog, it must be either sold to a good showing home or (preferably) surrendered back to BARKS.
The following is a list of qualities that are desired in adoptive homes, but not required:
  • Dogs shown in 50 shows daily (Elite kennel or using Elite training service).
  • Dogs are fed level-appropriate stat-raising foods and are equipped with level-appropriate accessories.
  • Dogs are not bred before they are 88 or 100 days.
  • Owner is Level 10 or above.
  • Profession points in competition or training (or other professions which add bonuses to these).

Request List

The request list exists for players that want notification when certain breeds or dogs with specific characteristics are available at BARKS. Want to be added for a breed or dog? Message me!

  • Dark Wolf (#1280625): GSDs (rare colored or 20HH+)
  • Vivere et mori-(0-40) (#1136988): AWS, Am. Bull Dog, Am. Pitbull [note: KC]
  • Bear c: (#778630): Belgian Tervuren (EEEE), Australian Shepherd (22HH+)
  • Ellie dickinson (#1273909): Border Collie (20HH+)
  • Amber (#1285963): Great Dane, Siberian Husky (13HH+)
  • Dark Wolf (#402051): GSDs, any dogs aged 90+
  • Ahov (#1173930): Welsh Terriers and Yorkshire Terriers (3E & 15HH preferred, but will look at any)
  • Perilous (#1035803): Miniature Australian Shepherds, Shetland Sheepdogs
  • tk (#1342605): Beagles
  • Susukihotaru (#210374): Standard Poodles, Akita Inus, Tosa Inus
  • Sylent Delerium (#1268299): Any breed. Generation <10, 10HH+, 1.200x+, 101 days old max age for males, 98 days old max age and bred max once for females
  • Cardinal (#1228794): Border Collies (24HH), Miniature Australian Shepherds (20-24HH)


We're doing just fine right now financially and have no specific need for donations. Despite this, they're always welcome if you're looking to clear out your inventory. Any item will be used!


A special thanks to Bridgett (#240203), who sent 8 FPP and helped BARKS re-Elite in time for September 2016! Her kindness was incredibly appreciated!
  • Anonymous: 221 items!
  • Maria (#1280605): 27 rawhide bones!
  • Anonymous: 265 items!

Many thanks to all donors! We greatly appreciate your generosity.

Stats (since re-establishment in June 2015)



411 (44 from Silken Windhound dump on 16 September 2015; 68 from Komondor dump 1 October 2016; 47 each from dumps on 14/15 October 2016)

Via Other Players:


Via Owner Surrender:



Total: 731

**Only most recent adoptees are listed due to 50k character limit for FP layouts. A full list is available upon request.**


Total: 38

While we aim to find a suitable home for every dog at BARKS, sometimes one cannot be found. Dogs who are never adopted out and reach 101 days of age are occasionally taken in by our affiliate kennel and retired.

BARKS Retirees

Hana (#1348941)

On loan:

Game Time

04:35pm on Mar 11

Welcome Guest

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