Eternal Frost Kennels


Eternal Frost Kennels ~ Since June 2009

ETERNAL FROST KENNELS is dedicated to training, showing, and breeding quality Siberian Huskies,
Greenland Dogs, German Shepherd Dogs, and American White Shepherds.

Other breeds may be present on occasion.

This is my vet account (804167). My other accounts can be found at 803401 (main) and 803815 (breeder).

Our Goals

To raise high leveling dogs as close to EEEE and 24HH as possible, with appropriate breed stats.

Our Stud Policy

Our males are made available for public stud once they reach level 10.

Stud fees will increase every 10 levels after that.

I will only accept requests to bitches that are no more than 5 levels below my stud.

Our Buying Policy

I require that any dog or puppy I put up for private sale goes to a consistent training and leveling kennel, where they will be cared for properly.

Dogs or puppies up for public sale are available to whoever wishes to buy them.

Layout Credits & Other Pimping

Layout design and banner © siberwolf #803401 (me).

Do you enjoy Furry Paws, but are looking for an even more realistic dog SIM to play?

I highly recommend K-9: The Game.

If you decide you'd like to check it out, I'd be most grateful if you signed up via my referral link.
I'm #930 on there and I breed Siberian Huskies and German Shepherds. :)

Game Time

07:44am on Mar 3

Welcome Guest

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