Sweet Candy Home

About Sweet Candy Home

Sweet Candy Home is a place where all meals are hand-prepared, nights are spent on the bed, or out in the field if as some of our more vigilant puppies prefer. We are just setting up operations, so please give us a while to move in. In no time we will be up and running, rescuing dogs from the HS and breeding excellent calibre pups. In the meantime we are spending most of our time moving furniture, training our future champions, and the important part, the reason this little operation got it's name, preparing human/doggie goodies. When Halloween rolls around, don't forget to bring the furry members of your family! We promise our treats are delicious for both you and your four-legged family!

SCH's owner: Mira

A 22 year old fae, running a host of operations alone in a tiny apartment. Fe rescues/rehabilitates wildlife, bakes goodies, creates, writes, draws, studies higher forms of consciousness, and pets kitties. When fe isn't drop-dead busy fe enjoys eating, sleeping, and art. Mira's home is filled with music, a true melomaniac (formerly audiophile), fe never is without song. Fe loves fyr dog, RamJak. RamJak is a three year old rottie (four as of dec 29 2012)and service dog.

FAQ's and Contact

1. What's Fe/Fyr?
Fe and Fyr are non-gender specific pronouns, but if you MUST choose one, He and it's derivatives are acceptable.
2. Do you really make human and dog goodies?
Certainly! Would you like some recipes? One condition; that you send me pictures of how they turned out or tell me who liked them more, you or your pets.
CONTACT: Mira can be contacted through private message as well as through fyr e-mail mirasmischief+accounts@gmail.com ~I would love to hand out personal e-mail, but I just can't do so on the internet.


Owned by Mira/Aloxi #80721 & #1070973

Game Time

02:53am on Mar 4

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