Corgi Corner

Welcome to Corgi Corner! This kennel is dedicated souly to Cardigan Welsh Corgi dogs. It is my goal to raise and train the best Corgis possible, and maintain good breeding lines. I like to have dogs in pairs (one male, one female) for breeding purposes, and will attempt to get "EEEE" dogs when I am able to. I also have plans on having several lines of dogs so that inbreeding will not be too bad, and I can still have some color to the puppies. At times, when I feel my lines are beginning to get too inbred, I will start up with a pair of fresh, store bought dogs to begin a new line with. I realize that this will take some time to do, but hey--it's a game. Games are supposed to be fun, and if this is how I want to spend my time, then I will happily do so! I do not do breeding until dogs are a higher level--though if, for some reason you want to breed your higher level dog to my lower one, I will accept! (=p) All joking aside, I want my dogs to have puppies with high stats instead of low ones, as well as good genetics. Please do not ask for breeding proposals until after level 20 or so (though I would rather wait longer to breed). That means that if I, for some reason, can't get my dogs up to that level in the entirety of their life spans, then I'm not doing outside breeding. I do not usually keep dogs that have more than one fair in their genetics, nor do I keep dogs with poors. This also means that if your dogs have more than one fair or a poor, I will not breed my dogs to them. If you have ONE fair, I might do a breeding IF one of my dogs has an excellent in the same stat.

Game Time

03:17am on Mar 8

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