Colonels Kennel

Tag PreviewWhy, hello there!

My name is Colonel, Colonel-Strawberry, or CS.
Please don't trace my art or use it without my permission!

I'm a bit busy these days, but I'm still around. A lot of my time is spent on my Shantyland world building project over on Patreon. I'll link to it down below. I'm almost always working on various freelance projects as well. These two things leave me with little time for other commissions or trades.


I bet you all have some questions and I can answer them below:

How can I be reached and when am I available?
I can be reached on Discord (Colonel #0565) or on DeviantART through notes. You can send me messages on FP, but sometimes I don't log in for days at a time. Also, I am not available to be reached on the weekends. My working hours for communication about art/commissions/etc are weekdays only.
Click here for to find me:


What are my character rules?
I always write a character's rules on their reference sheet. My characters are generally allowed to be resold/traded/gifted/etc unless it says otherwise on their ref or we personally discussed a change in rules. I always appreciate when people offer characters back to me first. I have custom spcecies that are NOT allowed to be bred - Royal Shepherds and Cloverpups, for example.

Tag PreviewAre you a bit unsure about the rules on a character I made?
Ask me about it! If the rules for a character aren't on the ref and you're unsure, please ASK ME FIRST, rather than taking the risk and buying/selling something you shouldn't. You can always reach out to me about character questions and I'll do my best to answer them. You can additionally ask Toucat, as she always has quick access to me to get answers.

What are my custom base rules?
You can view my tag base website and check out my most up to date rules for my bases. Do not remove my signature under any circumstances and NEVER save any of my bases out larger than 150x150 unless we have discussed it beforehand. I do not allow my bases to be saved as large arts. Bases cannot be sold for more than you originaly paid. If a sale was done with the base you are selling then the base HAS to be sold for less than you paid.

How can you commission me?
One of the perks of my world-building Patreon is that I open up my commission slots there first. If I still have free-time and slots open after Patreons get first dibs, then I tend to make announcements on various Discord servers. I almost never make public posts here on FP anymore.

Do you have a full Terms of Service somewhere?
Yep! You can read my TOS in full on this page. This is for my commissions, characters, bases, custom art, and species. When in doubt, please ASK me before assuming the answer to something.

Do I do custom character/litter puppy/basing commissions?
Not these days! I usually only acccept these commission types if the subject really interests me. I rarely will accept custom character commissions unless it is for one of my original species. I also almost never take litter puppy or custom basing commissions unless I really like the parents or original sketch.
You can always feel free to ask!

Can I use your characters to Roleplay with?
Absolultey not. No. Stop. Please do not do this ever, on any website, with any of my characters.


Last updated: April 2018

Game Time

12:08am on Mar 12

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