Forsaken Shadows


12/18/07: I'm back... ish.... Started a tag sale to get FPP to re-elite when mine expires. That's about it.

08/27/07: Still bad with consistency. I have a bunch of free art to finish, and I will get it all done, I just need time. Work and the upcoming school year has me pretty busy, add a social life and volunteer work on top of that, and I have very little time for art and internet. I've started volunteering at a retired greyhound kennel Wednesday nights and may foster one of the hounds at a later date, which will leave me with less time... and money, considering the dog will be in my charge. But if all goes well with the fostering we may be adopting the dog. I've also been thinking about opening USD commissions and donating most or all of the money to the kennel. If you'd like to check out their website here's a link GPAC. They're a great organization that matches a dog to you instead of you choosing a dog that may not fit your living situation. Anyway, that's what I've been up to lately. I will get everything I need done on here, but I need time.

05/14/07: Now, as it turns out, I'm really bad at being consistent on FP, so from now on I won't be raising dogs. I will come on occasionally to sell/auction art and maybe even donate FPD and FPP to people who need it. Though DO NOT message me asking for money, I still like to keep my bank filled with FPD because I'm odd like that.

03/13/07: I have SEF now, hooray, I'm quite happy because it's so much faster than doing it manually. Now I can show daily and hopefully get my dogs levels up quickly.

03/10/07: Since FP has sped up some showing dogs isn't a total pain in the rump so I'm actually able to do it daily now. Even though showing is easier, I'd still like the SEF, I'm only 1FPP away now, which is a good thing.

02/25/07: Well... this news/update box doesn't get used much now does it? Anyway. I have 4 dogs, which means two breeding pairs. Sadly, the slowness of FP means I don't have the time to show them daily, so I'm thinking about getting SEF, as I will only need 4FPP more to get it.

01/23/07: New layout. Yippee. I'm also elite. Though I did hurt my hip somehow, which sucks. And thank you Aria for helping me through the last part of getting my elite, thanks to those who commissioned me aswell.
[A]bout [M]e

My real name is Shayla, but you will refer to me as Shea so as to not confuse people.
I live on the East coast of Canada in the Maritimes.
I am 19 years old and am no longer in university, but working full time and hoping to get into college next year.
I don't have the largest amount of friends ever, but those I do have I hold dear to me, though I have many acquaintances.
I am in a tight nit group of friends which we refer to as the posse.
I enjoy being around animals and researching their behaviour. Art is one of my few hobbies.
My favorite activities include sleeping, eating, and generally lazing around.
My favorite beverage is Coca-Cola Classic.
That's about all you need to know about me.

[A]bout the [K]ennel

It's not one, simple enough eh?I don't raise, show, breed, or sell dogs of any type, I don't have the time nor do I have desire to do so. Don't message me to buy your dog, ever. It's not gonna happen
Stuff goes here later.


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04:31pm on Mar 6

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