Rockin' Royal

I am doing a Project run by #1091681 where I attempt to breed every color of every dog bred in the game. Yes, I am selling the breeding pairs after one or two breedings. If this bothers you or you would like to purchase the imported breeding dogs at a discount kindly PM me. If me using your stud(s) for this project is something you don't want me to do please PM me so I can make a note not to use your studs. If you have the only stud with a particular color I need in my price range I may PM you to see if we can't come to a sensible agreement. I care for or lock the dogs of breeds I have not gotten to yet or am waiting on cooldowns (for breeding) to end. Imported females that I am only breeding once I will vaccinate but other than that they only get locked and put up for sale. I can't afford to add items to every dog in my kennel when most will get resold not long after. I am working on some A and B breeds right now. If I see a dog I actually like that isn't a breed I'm currently doing I will make an offer/buy it and either care for it till it gets to a decent age (for males) and then lock it or if it's a female as soon as or if she is 12 days old I'll lock her to preserve her for breeding when I get to that breed. Litters that have the colors I need for the project will get locked the same day they're born as PROOF that I did in fact breed said colors. Litters that only produce duplicate colors will either be all sold to Pet Homes or if I used an outside stud that player will have the option to reserve 1 (OR 2 depending on if I have Elite active at the time) pup(pies) from the litter. You just need to let me know beforehand (Please this is very important!) If your someone that does kennel checks that's fine just please read and understand the above. I don't have the time, money, or resources to please everyone on this game. NOTE: I do not support rescue accounts outside of buying dogs that'll benefit the project I'm currently doing. I see no need to. For-profit rescues should be making enough to cover expenses. NOTE 2: Dogs that are up for sale have NOT been neglected so I'd appreciate rescues not thinking that when buying dogs that are no longer useful for the project I am doing. I do NOT have enough kennel space to keep every dog I import/buy for this project otherwise I would. Breeds DONE: Airedale Terrier Akbash Dog American Eskimo Dog American White Shepherd Appenzeller Mountain Dog Azores Cattle Dog Beauceron Bedlington Terrier Belgian Malinois Belgian Sheepdog Belgian Tervuren Bernese Mountain Dog Bichon Frise Black and Tan Coonhound Bloodhound Boston Terrier Boykin Spaniel Bullmastiff Czechoslovakian Wolfdog Mastiff

Game Time

12:40am on Mar 16

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