Exodus Blue

Welcome to Exodus Blue

Please see my main account #6698 for information

Breeding at Exodus Blue

This account will primarily be used to house dogs retired from my breeding programs so i can show and care for them until they retire without filling up my main kennel. This also allows me to level up this account a bit so its a win-win.

About Me

My name is Sam (short for Samantha) I'm a Gamer.. or is that addict?

I'm a self employed/freelance Web and Graphic designer in the UK, its all good fun i suppose.. but since becoming a full time self employed person the cats have viewed this as having a full time slave!

Mainly right now I'm playing Destiny 2 I've played it for years but I havent been here to update!

I'm still owned by 3 cats but sadly while I was away both Molly and Trinity passed away, I still have Pudding and he has 2 new friends in Rasputin and Nova if you want to see them they have their own instagram account @overlordpudding

Exodus Blue Adoptions

I won't actively be putting these dogs up for adoption as they will have been used as part of my breeding programs, if however you would really like one of them feel free to send me a request.

Game Time

04:49pm on Mar 9

Welcome Guest

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