Lasting Memories Kennels


- 17th February '10; Woww.. LONG time since i last updated. oO; Just to let everyone know im still on semi-haitus..

- 16th August 09; So Sky is still on semi-hiatus, just to let everyone know, but ill be around from time to time. n_n;

- 30th June 09; Pheww! Well my exams are -finally- over, and my summer vacation has officially started! :D So i will probably be around a bit more often from now on :) <3

- 20th April 09; Okayy well just a heads up that i have all my important exams coming up in the next few months and so i really need to focus on them. Thereforee,, im going to really be on semi-haitus for the next few months im afraid! Dx If you do need to contact me though, just message me.. and ill reply as i come on from time to time..< 3

- 1st March 09; -sigh- Well tbh this game doesn't hold the same thrill for me as it did before. Plus my exams will be coming round again soon enough, so i need to focus on them. Soo ive decided to go on semi-hiatus, i will still be on from time to time to care for my dogs etc, until they retire, and i will also frequently be on; so feel free to message me at #215 on there if you wish to contact me! :)

- 1st Feb 09; Wowzerss.. ive been so busy! My exams are finally over though, which im happy about! ^_^; Untill June anyway.. but lets forget about that for now. Dx lol. I think i did okay in most of them. :] With a bit more free time on my hands i should hopefully be able to concentrate more on a few things around here, including my lines. However im planning to spend most of my time on Capalls.. so contact me over there if you want to!

- 8th Jan 09; Happy New Year everyonee! Hope you all had a good one.. seeing the new year as a fresh start for a happy, successful and amazing '09. Lets shine in '09! As Ella says. xDD Anyway Sky's now in her exam period and things are getting ultra busy. D: So im going to be locking my account on and off probably for the next few weeks.. be back soon and wish me luck for the exams! x_X < 3

- 29th Dec 08; I hope everyone's had a wonderful Christmas! < 33 Ive just got back from a great Skiing holiday. x) Anyway just a heads up that i have some important mock and real exams coming up in January.. so i may not be around as much for a whilee.

- 28th Nov 08; Well i may be going on a semi haitus for a while.. i have a LOT going on in RL right now and not much timee. =/ Ill keep you posted anyhow. :3

- 21st Nov 08; Happy Birthday to mee! x) Well it was my birthday yesterday.. ive had an amazing birthday weekend so far.. with more to come! :D *Note: GCBB dogs are boarding with Jakara for a few days. :)

- 8th Nov 08; Phew well ive been busy! Finally had a day to spare though so im going to try and get things sorted out including my layout. ^^ As my mum quite rightly put the other day.. im the type of person who will -always- have more things on the list of to do's than the list of things done. xD Hmm.. what else? Well my birthday's coming up soon.. Nov 20th so i have to organise what im going to do etc for that. And ive decided to continue with my Appy lines for now.. untill i decide what dogs im going to start fresh with in the kenel.. once i get some more spare time. >:D

- 29th Oct 08; Whoot! Well new layout as of today, thanks to Friviluff! Ill start putting in all my info when i have some spare time.. right now i have to carry on with my english essay. >_< And ooh.. Happy Belated Birthday to FP! 5 years now.. wow! <3

About Sky

Soo.. about Sky!
Just a few things to get you started.. i'm currently living in the U of K. xD Specifically England. My interests include horse riding, dance, reading, music&films, (I have my list of people i am obsessed with O_O), photography, seeing friends and of course FP, and other online sim games. xP I have been playing FP for around four and a half years now, and have met some of the most amazing people here.. they know who they are. xD <33. School is a bit of a strain with big examinations this year, but i try to be on FP as much as i can. I am currently studying English Lit, History, Geography and Media, and hope to also be studying photography soon, as it is something i love. x] Hm. What else? Well be wary.. Sky changes between the first and third person an awful lot.. i also use emoticons an awful lot. o_o. xD. You probably won't see me around too often as i tend/like to keep myself to myself on here. I tend to play more for the game and the lovely artwork rather than socialising. x] Im happy to get to know people though, so if you would like to talk.. drop me a message. & of course drop me a message anytime if you know me.(: <3 Be aware you may not get a reply straight away however.. depending on how busy i am.
MSN: Please Ask.
Other contacts coming soon..

About LMK

Welcome to LMK. Otherwise known as Lasting Memories Kennels. My minimum breeding requirement is lvl 30 and the min age of breeding for my kennels is 88fpd. I do lend out my studs and bitches for breeding however your dog must fit my requirements so please message me for details. ^^
As for the dogs.. i am yet to decide what i am going to permanently specialise in here at Lasting Memories Kennels. However i am thinking of concentrating on Appenzeller's and Akita's. I have some good lines going with Appenzeller Mountain Dogs at the moment, however they are inbred.. which is something i tend to wish to avoid. You will also find breed boost dogs, and trickster dogs in my kennel from time to time. I plan to settle down with a breed when i have more time on my hands to concentrate on lines. You will also find due to time constraints, that i will usually only have a few dogs in my kennels. With my dogs i take in to consideration stats for levelling and genetics, to try and achieve the best dogs possible. However, you will find that none of my dogs here at LMK are entered in boosts, or have and rare items used on them, apart from cookies and runs in the tomb.
*Please Note: All dogs with the prefix SLMK or have Sky in their name have been raised by me. x3
Current Achievements:
- WCSc WCH SLMK Sky's Forever There ~ : Expert Trickster, Best of breed trickster, Best of breed experienced, Best of breed accomplished, Second Place Outstanding Trickster, Lvl39, 7HH (Still working on this. xD)
- WCSc WCT SLMK Sky's Hallows Eve ~ : Best of breed accomplished x52, Best of breed experienced x52, Lvl37, 11HH.


Some useful links:

- Q. HELPP!!!! WhERE do i buy dogzz plz!!!111?
A. Firstly, if you message me something like this then -please- do not use excess punctuation and capitals. It hurts my eyes! x_x. Secondly, please don't use chatspeak when talking to me. Its kind of a pet hate. o_< I don't mind shortened words though.. such as to be honest (tbh), minute (min) etc.. ^^ Now, i am a newbie helper, its my way of contriubting to the FP community, so i will reply if you have a question that needs answering and my newbie helper sign is on of course. :) However it would be much more pleasant for the both of us if you could acknowledge what ive said before you message me, wouldn't it? ;]

-Q. Can i have your account/dog/money/art?
A. Nope. Sorry. Unless i have stated that my dogs/account are up for sale then they won't be, so please don't message me about it. If you message me for money, fpp etc.. then i will most likely ignore you. Sorry.. but your not a charity. As for art etc.. it is copyright to either me, or the artists who did them. And it is using my fursona design. So no, you can't use these.. they are for my use only.

-Q. Will you be my friend?
A. Well this isn't exactly how you first meet someone, or make friends.. so if you message me this i will most probably ignore you too. However im always happy to meet new people.. so if you want to talk, drop me a message. You never know.. we may become friends. =)

-Q. Will you buy my art/items/dogs/join my casso?
A. Most probably no, sorry. If i am looking for something to buy etc. then i will advertise it. ^^; So please don't message me about this.

-Q. Can you help me.. i don't know how/don't understand..!?
A. Yeah sure, ask away. :) Just make sure you check the main FAQs for FP first.. as the answer you are looking for can most likely be found in there.

& More FAQ's to come soon...


Please message me to find out the status, and any requests for my services. ^__^;

-Photomanipulations; X/O/X/O/X/O/X/ --> 2fpp/1mill each.

-Ensigns; X/O/X/ --> 1fpp/500k each.

-Ex. of Lines; X/ --> Message me for collab details.

-Ex. of Colouring; X/ --> Message me for collab details.

-SEFing; For every dog i charge the price of the shows plus 1k. Please Note: I will only show a maximum of 10 dogs per person/kennel as otherwise it is just too much sorry >.<

*Please Note - Prices are subject to change.. **Other services in progress. xD**


Current Tag Count; 244apprx. I won't kill your computer with all of them xD.. but some of my faves:



My Fursona Cydah represents me in canine/equine form.. although she has been known to change to other forms depending on which tag i want! xD I really love this fursona.. she has grown with me for a while now.. and so she will be sticking around. :] I also have 3 previous fursonas.. which are now used as charecters. ^^

Fursona - Cydah: X/O/X/O/X/O/X/O/X/O/X/O/X/

Charecters - Sadah: X/O/X/

Skylar: X/O/

Faderm: X/

My Charecters Together: Sadah and Skylar - X/O/X/

Other --> A great up and coming horse sim game! Come on over and check it out! Im #215 on there.. so feel free to drop me a message. :)

I am a staff member at:
Every Thought Casso
This place is amazing.. my home on FP; love you guys. <3

I am a member at:
What can i say? Im yet to find a more active place! xD Andd.. its dedicated to the best book series in the world, so. x3 <3
Fluffy Forces Chibi Army


Layout (C) Frivolity #157278. Do not touch!! Large art (C) Axsca. Circle graphics (C) Frivolity.

Game Time

09:27am on Mar 10

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