Alit Daffodil Kennel

"A thousand poets dreamed a thousand years. Then you were born, my love."--from "Unfaithfully Yours" (1948)


»Alit Daffodil Kennel, prefix ADks, is a large kennel operation that specializes in breeding a better dog with each litter. I strive to produce a better competitor by making HH and stats a priority in my breeding programs. I have fun on FP and I've found the best way to have fun here is to see my dog's names on the charts.

»History Alit Daffodil is a new name to go with the fresh start furry-paw's recent merge offers. I've been playing since 2003-2004 and have used several kennel names and specialized in many breeds. Alit Daffodil was taken from a book of poetry written by Ryan Adams and used as a name for a dog in BETA. As I prepared for the merge, I found the dog, retired and decided it was a great homage to my past with the site.

»Breeding and Purchases

All kennels except Sigrun are open to stud requests. Puppies/dog sales and litters for reserves happen occasionally. They'll always go to the highest bidder or be on public sale for a flat rate. I don't really care if you're a "good" kennel or not but I do reserve the right to deny bids and requests if I think the sale/breeding is not a good idea or if I just don't like you. Shoot me a message if you have any interests in my dogs or litters.

»Fursona and Characters

Flannery : A Long-haired Dutch Shepherd mix with Belgian Sheepdog. She has a forgiving nature and positive outlook despite being a loner. She's poetic, loving, sweet, and affectionate.
Walhott's Flannery Mirror's Flannery

TOUR under my old alias 'Pluto'. He's my true fursona who's been promoted to my kennel mascot. He is a fine canis. Selfless, humble, faithful, stubborn, and loving after a harsh life that bore him much anger he had to cast away. He is of the element of wind and ghost.

ZEKE is Tour's rival and enemy and an earthen wild child of dirt and leaves. Sly, cruel and sharp- he always pushes Tour to the edge in challenge. He is very much apart of Tour and so is extent is my kennel mascot too.


»Tag Party

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Game Time

02:55pm on Mar 11

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