Street-Wise Kennel

Street-Wise Kennel is a home of Pitbulls and Boxers. Some of the dogs here are trained in some type of "dog sport." Some are just breeding dogs.

0/20 FPP for SEF (ultimate goal)
0/100 FPP for Foreva Elite (slight goal/don't want as much as SEF)

I am currently looking for a sponsor!
I want a nice sponsor, that could post topics/threads for me, and that might be able to board my dogs... but I don't need them to give me FPP, I just need to earn it.

I am currently looking for an all Excellent Boxer & Pitbull!
I already have an all excellent Pitbull, now I must try and breed a all excellent boxer. :3

I am currently looking for someone that's a IB Contributor or has an image in the IB, that could red-line something for me.
I drew a sketch of a pitbull, and I'd like someone experienced to red-line it and correct my anatomy. This is needed ASAP. :D Please PM/message me.

I am currently looking for someone that could board my dogs!
I need someone that will board several of my dogs. It'd be nice if they had SEF, would take care of my dogs, and didn't have outrageous prices! xD I need someone I can trust.

Dogs to board:

Want this acorn?

[Send a Private Trade! To #868762]
I currently have 4 dull acorns! Worth 1FPP each!

Game Time

10:14pm on Mar 28

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