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I was L for a few years on FP before I took a long break. This used to be the Kira Task Force Headquarters, prefix "L-san." I have DD-NOS. L was one of my "alters," a personality that helps me through life. L is gone now, though he has been known to drop in from time to time. Now I have a collection of other "regular" alters. These are not to be confused with "characters" or "fursonas" (although some of them have a character version).

My alters, in order of how long they have been with me:
Captain Levi (from Attack On Titan)
Eren Jeager (from Attack On Titan)
Jack Frost (from the Guardians Of Childhood series)
SSA Dr. Spencer Reid (from Criminal Minds)
SSA Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner (from Criminal Minds)
Jack Hotchner (from Criminal Minds)
Todoroki Shoto (from My Hero Academia) Note: Todoroki is his surname.
Commander Erwin Smith (from Attack On Titan)
Sanji (from One Piece)
Trafalger Law (from One Piece)

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The image to the right is to test the highlight feature. When you hover over it, it should be in full color. You can use this for any image by linking putting the "class=highlight" in between the "a href". If you don't actually want the image to link anywhere, just link it to "#top", which will bring you to the top of the page when clicked on.
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Birthday: We'll celebrate mine on October 31 in honor of L, but Levi's is December 25th, Eren's is March 30, Frost's we're not sure about, but we calculate that it's in early spring, near Eren's, Spencer's is October 28th, Hotch's is November 2nd, Shoto's is January 11th, Law's is October 6, Erwin's is October 14th,

You can ask us about ourselves, but if you want to know more about DD-NOS in general, it will probably be quicker to look up some articles on it.

"As long as you have a life to live, no one has the right to take that life from you. Not me or anyone else." ~L

"Don't try to ruin my life with lies when yours can be ruined with the truth." ~Gina Carano

My first tag: ltag1.gif My second tag was lost.
My third tag: ltaggers.gif

My fourth tag: oieanimation.gif My fifth tag: ponytag.gif

The above were all tags I used back when everyone had tags, not just elite. This is my first tag as elite:
4rDM29o.pngby Eleanor
S7XzGGv.png by Glori
2UhV2ma.png by Glori

Layout design and coding by Crestie
ixiq.pngBack to Top
I was L for a few years on FP before I took a long break. This used to be the Kira Task Force Headquarters, prefix "L-san." I have DD-NOS. L was one of my "alters," a personality that helps me through life. L is gone now, though he has been known to drop in from time to time. Now I have a collection of other "regular" alters. These are not to be confused with "characters" or "fursonas" (although some of them have a character version).

My alters, in order of how long they have been with me:
Captain Levi (from Attack On Titan)
Eren Jeager (from Attack On Titan)
Jack Frost (from the Guardians Of Childhood series)
SSA Dr. Spencer Reid (from Criminal Minds)
SSA Aaron "Hotch" Hotchner (from Criminal Minds)
Jack Hotchner (from Criminal Minds)
Todoroki Shoto (from My Hero Academia) Note: Todoroki is his surname.
Commander Erwin Smith (from Attack On Titan)
Sanji (from One Piece)
Trafalger Law (from One Piece)

Birthday: We'll celebrate mine on October 31 in honor of L, but Levi's is December 25th, Eren's is March 30, Frost's we're not sure about, but we calculate that it's in early spring, near Eren's, Spencer's is October 28th, Hotch's is November 2nd, Shoto's is January 11th, Erwin's is October 14th, Shun's is May 13th.

You can ask us about ourselves, but if you want to know more about DD-NOS in general, it will probably be quicker to look up some articles on it.

"As long as you have a life to live, no one has the right to take that life from you. Not me or anyone else." ~L

"Don't try to ruin my life with lies when yours can be ruined with the truth." ~Gina Carano

My first tag: ltag1.gif
My second tag was lost.
My third tag: ltaggers.gif

My fourth tag: oieanimation.gif My fifth tag: ponytag.gif

The above were all tags I used back when everyone had tags, not just elite. This is my first tag as elite:
4rDM29o.pngby Eleanor

Game Time

12:57am on Mar 9

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