Surefire Fangtasia

Welcome to Surefire Fangtasia kennel, home of extraordinary Standard poodles and Afghan hounds. There are also several side breeds at this time there are German shepherds, Danes, Goldens, Borders , Lhasas, Finish Lapphunds and Belgian Tervueren.

Once upon the time, I used to breed chow chows and poodles, but after my precious real life chow died, I quitted chows, but I might try some new ones on my side account. As for poodles, during the merge process I picked some best dogs from my kennel and bred them to get starter dogs. I'm very pleased with results, because most of them are 24 HH.

For second specialty I picked Afghans. I always admired those large shaggy dogs, and I'm very attracted to number of colors and paterns here on the game. Also, I always wanted to own an Afghan hound, but it's not possible, so I'm into them on Furry Paws.

Main goal of this kennel is to breed healthy dogs with great stats. Puppies may be for sale occasionaly, especially when I'm keeping only one pup from the litter. If you bid on a puppy, make sure you're bidding a fair price. There are many people who don't respect hard work of breeders and are trying to purchase quality dogs for a small amount of money. Those bids will be either rejected or ignored.

Females will never be up for public breeding, unless you have a really superb dog and as long as it doesn't interfere with my breeding plans. Males will be up for public stud when they reach level 30, even sooner upon request, but I may not accept your request since even the males have their breeding restrictions now, or I need them locked for my breeding plans. MInimum breeding level is set to 30.

I've Got Quality Standard Poodles on

I've Got Quality Afghan Hounds on

Game Time

03:04am on Mar 1

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