Dachshund Gates Kennel

My dog Spotty(middle) with his sister Maya(left), and my cousin's dog Missy(right). Missy died recently so i decided to add her to the banner being as she was a cream piebald. The markings on the sister and cousin are kinda different than the actual dogs because I don't have many photos of them

Welcome to Dachshund Gates!

By the name you should have figured that we here specialize in Dachshunds. All doxies because the breed is my favorite next to dalmatians. Anyway all types of dachshunds are bred here but I am focusing mainly on breeding piebalds.

Don't worry though if you want a regular dog, dogs that are bred with sp x SS will come out with some pups of regular coloration, though they may have the piebald gene. So if you want a regular colored dachshund, feel free to pm me and I'll breed what dogs I can to get you that 'gene'.

Look Below To See My Dogs, And Their Fur Colors. You Can Click A Name To Go To The Profile On The Males And Females Section. The Mates and Litters Are There To Insure No Inbreeding Occurs If I Can Help It

Okay now for the organization issue I have to be cleared up:


Dustan; Black and White (Piebald) ~ EGFG
Runner; Sable and White (Piebald) with Roaning ~ FGEE
Dusk; Blue with Tan Points and Roaning ~ GGGG
Blue; Blue and White (Piebald) with Roaning ~ GGFG
Change; Red with Roaning ~ GGGE


Sarah; Red ~ EEEE
Midnight; Black and White (Piebald) with Roaning ~ GGGG
Breeze; Red and White (Piebald) ~GEEE
GiGi; Fawn ~ EGEG
Angel; Cream ~ GGGE

Mates + Pups:

Dustan x Sarah


Angel x Runner


Midnight x Dusk


Blue x Breeze


Change x GiGi

The Pups are for sale

Game Time

10:42am on Mar 10

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