Whit's End

Updates... In the words of Bender, "I'M BACK BABY". After something like 30 months...? Anyways. College is hard.


About the kennel... This is basically a rescue for dogs on public sale with condition <30%, high age level 1 dogs, or dogs with bad genetics. Basically all the ones most rescues overlook because they are hard to rehome. I'm willing to keep dogs until age 100 if the right home doesn't show up. Usually I buy them, raise them as best as a non-elite account can, and put them up for public sale at level 10. Because my goal isn't to find the perfect home, just to increase the general quality of dogs available out there. I'm sure you're thinking, "but then newbies will buy your dogs and breed them and make even more terrible-quality dogs and then you'll rescue them and then what will happen?" And that's true, but perhaps if newbies see that a level 10 x level 1 litter is so much better than a level 1 x level 1 litter, they'll be inspired to level their own dogs. Or maybe not. But we were all newbies once, so let's not hate too hard. Yup. Prices are $1000xlevel.

But besides the rescue, which I run because I'm bored, if you're interested in my real FP kennel, hop on over to my main account at #947673. I have lots of Japanese breeds, but I'm mainly focusing on Ainu Dogs and silver no mask Kai Kens right now.


About me... My name is Bleak. Not really. But for the purposes of being online, that's been my name here for like 6 years, so I'm not changing it now. I'm a human being, pronouns they/them, because that makes life easier for everyone. Most people would probably call me gay, but since I'm not super into labels, you can call me whatever you want as long as it's not homophobic slurs. ;) I'm currently a comp sci major on scholarship to Carnegie Mellon in Pittsburgh in da USA. My birthday's December 31st, which is pretty much the only cool thing about me.


More about me... My life currently consists of homework; listening to Rise Against, the Beatles, Tokio Hotel, Mayday Parade, Angels & Airwaves, Green Day (favorite songs right now are Wake Me Up When September Ends and Good Ol' Fashion Nightmare by Matt & Kim); hanging out with friends; reading anime/watching manga; and playing PC games (DRAGON AGE OR ELDER SCROLLS) or whatever's free on Steam this week or crappy old PS3 games. I watch sherlock, numb3rs, supernatural, big bang theory, psych, the avengers movie series, star trek (old and new) and others I can't think of right now. I WATCHED GLEE AND I LOVED IT. I read original marvel comics, mostly X-Men. I'm semi-fluent in Mandarin Chinese, Japanese, and German, besides being very fluent in English. :)

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07:19pm on Mar 31

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